Commit 27f4f995 authored by huyuchen's avatar huyuchen

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop

parents 217940f3 9cb1d7ff
......@@ -73,7 +73,8 @@ public class TCertRecordServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TCertRecordMapper, TCert
TEmployeeContractInfo first = contractInfoMapper.selectOne(Wrappers.<TEmployeeContractInfo>query().lambda()
......@@ -82,9 +83,11 @@ public class TCertRecordServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TCertRecordMapper, TCert
TEmployeeContractInfo last = contractInfoMapper.selectOne(Wrappers.<TEmployeeContractInfo>query().lambda()
TCertRecordVo vo = new TCertRecordVo();
......@@ -64,21 +64,7 @@ public class TSalaryAccountServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TSalaryAccountMapper,
public IPage<TSalaryAccount> getTSalaryAccountPage(Page<TSalaryAccount> page, TSalaryAccountSearchVo tSalaryAccount) {
long pageCount = baseMapper.getTSalaryAccountPageCountDiy(tSalaryAccount);
if (pageCount > 0L) {
page.setPages((long) Math.ceil(1.0*pageCount / page.getSize()));
if (page.getCurrent() < 1) {
if (page.getSize() < 1) {
if (pageCount > ((page.getCurrent() - 1) * page.getSize())) {
page.setRecords(baseMapper.getTSalaryAccountPageDiy(tSalaryAccount, (page.getCurrent() - 1) * page.getSize(), page.getSize()));
return page;
return baseMapper.getTSalaryAccountPage(page, tSalaryAccount);
......@@ -526,7 +526,8 @@ public class TSalaryStandardServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TSalaryStandardMappe
List<EkpSalaryParamVo> ekpList = salaryAccountService.getEkpSalaryParamList(id);
YifuUser user = SecurityUtils.getUser();
if (user != null && ekpList != null && !ekpList.isEmpty()) {
if (user != null) {
if (ekpList != null && !ekpList.isEmpty()){
boolean sendStatus = true;
String sendBack;
List<TSalaryAccount> accountList = new ArrayList<>();
......@@ -592,6 +593,9 @@ public class TSalaryStandardServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TSalaryStandardMappe
this.saveRecordLog(s, user, CommonConstants.ONE_STRING, "发送数字化平台-失败");
return R.ok("发送失败!");
}else {
return R.ok("无数据可发送!");
} else {
return R.failed("请登录!");
......@@ -348,9 +348,11 @@
<include refid="Base_Column_List"/>
FROM t_salary_account a
LEFT JOIN t_dept_see d ON a.DEPT_NO = d.DEPT_NO
a.DELETE_FLAG = 0 AND (d.CAN_SEE = 0 OR is null)
and not EXISTS (
select 1 from t_dept_see d where a.DEPT_NO = d.DEPT_NO and d.CAN_SEE = 1
<include refid="tSalaryAccount_where"/>
<if test="tSalaryAccount.authSql != null and tSalaryAccount.authSql.trim() != ''">
......@@ -578,9 +580,10 @@
<include refid="Base_Column_List"/>
FROM t_salary_account a
LEFT JOIN t_dept_see d ON a.DEPT_NO = d.DEPT_NO
a.DELETE_FLAG = 0 AND (d.CAN_SEE = 0 OR is null)
a.DELETE_FLAG = 0 and not EXISTS (
select 1 from t_dept_see d where a.DEPT_NO = d.DEPT_NO and d.CAN_SEE = 1
<include refid="where_export"/>
<if test="searchVo.authSql != null and searchVo.authSql.trim() != ''">
......@@ -617,9 +620,10 @@
FROM t_salary_account a
LEFT JOIN t_dept_see d ON a.DEPT_NO = d.DEPT_NO
a.DELETE_FLAG = 0 AND (d.CAN_SEE = 0 OR is null)
a.DELETE_FLAG = 0 and not EXISTS (
select 1 from t_dept_see d where a.DEPT_NO = d.DEPT_NO and d.CAN_SEE = 1
<include refid="where_export"/>
<if test="searchVo.authSql != null and searchVo.authSql.trim() != ''">
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