Commit 2f0f63f5 authored by huyuchen's avatar huyuchen

预派单 代码修改

parent cc6dab0f
......@@ -121,7 +121,8 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 入职日期
@Schema(description ="入职日期")
private Date entryDate;
@Size(max = 20, message = "入职日期不可超过20位")
private String entryDate;
* 正式工资
......@@ -345,6 +346,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 派单客服
@Schema(description ="派单客服")
@Size(max = 20, message = "派单客服不可超过20位")
private String customerService;
......@@ -357,6 +359,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 唯一号
@Schema(description ="唯一号")
@Size(max = 20, message = "唯一号不可超过20位")
private String uniqueNumber;
......@@ -369,6 +372,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 服务类别
@Schema(description ="服务类别")
@Size(max = 20, message = "服务类别不可超过20位")
private String serviceType;
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchUpdateVo extends TPreDispatchInfo {
* 入职日期
@ExcelAttribute(name = "入职日期")
private Date entryDate;
private String entryDate;
* 正式工资
......@@ -45,5 +45,6 @@ public class PreDispatchConstants {
public static final String NO_SOCIAL_FUND_ADDRESS_REDUCE = "派减:养老城市和公积金城市不可同时为空,请确认表中有‘养老城市’和‘公积金城市’数据列及数据!";
public static final String TEL_NOT_EMPTY = "联系电话1不可为空!";
public static final String TEL_INVALID = "联系电话1无效!";
public static final String TEL_INVALID2 = "联系电话2无效!";
public static final String GET_AREA_INFO = "获取区域数据失败!";
......@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ public class TAgentConfigController {
@SysLog("新增预估临时政策配置表" )
@PreAuthorize("@pms.hasPermission('social_tagentconfig_add')" )
public R<Boolean> save(@RequestBody TAgentConfig tAgentConfig) {
return R.ok(;
public R save(@RequestBody TAgentConfig tAgentConfig) {
return tAgentConfigService.saveInfo(tAgentConfig);
......@@ -44,4 +44,11 @@ public interface TAgentConfigService extends IService<TAgentConfig> {
* @return
R updateFlagById(String id);
* 修改开启关闭状态
* @param tAgentConfig 预估临时政策配置表id
* @return
R saveInfo(TAgentConfig tAgentConfig);
......@@ -16,7 +16,10 @@
import cn.hutool.core.util.StrUtil;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.conditions.query.LambdaQueryWrapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.metadata.IPage;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.toolkit.Wrappers;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.Page;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.impl.ServiceImpl;
......@@ -69,4 +72,22 @@ public class TAgentConfigServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TAgentConfigMapper, TAg
return R.failed("更新失败!");
public R saveInfo(TAgentConfig tAgentConfig) {
LambdaQueryWrapper<TAgentConfig> wrapper = Wrappers.lambdaQuery();
wrapper.eq(TAgentConfig::getYear, tAgentConfig.getYear());
wrapper.eq(TAgentConfig::getTarget, tAgentConfig.getTarget());
if (Common.isNotNull(tAgentConfig.getCity())){
} else {
TAgentConfig count = baseMapper.selectOne(wrapper);
if (Common.isNotNull(count)) {
return R.failed("同一城市,年度的政策不能重复新增");
return R.ok();
......@@ -558,6 +558,10 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfoServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TPreDispatchInfoMap
if (ValidityUtil.checkInvalidEmpPhone(tPreDispatchInfo.getTelOne())) {
return R.failed(PreDispatchConstants.TEL_INVALID);
if (ValidityUtil.checkInvalidEmpPhone(tPreDispatchInfo.getTelTwo())) {
return R.failed(PreDispatchConstants.TEL_INVALID2);
if (CommonConstants.ONE_STRING.equals(tPreDispatchInfo.getType())) {
......@@ -1145,10 +1149,6 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfoServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TPreDispatchInfoMap
private String checkAddPreDispatch(TPreDispatchInfo tPreDispatchInfo) {
if (CommonConstants.ZERO_STRING.equals(tPreDispatchInfo.getType())) {
// 拍增的合同开始和结束时间必填 2021-08-13
if (Common.isEmpty(tPreDispatchInfo.getContractStart()) || Common.isEmpty(tPreDispatchInfo.getContractEnd())) {
return "派增的合同开始日期和合同终止日期不可为空!";
if (Common.isEmpty(tPreDispatchInfo.getTelOne())) {
return PreDispatchConstants.TEL_NOT_EMPTY;
......@@ -130,5 +130,6 @@
<include refid="tAgentConfig_where"/>
......@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
<if test="tPreDispatchInfo.telTwo != null and tPreDispatchInfo.telTwo.trim() != ''">
AND a.TEL_TWO = #{tPreDispatchInfo.telTwo}
<if test="tPreDispatchInfo.entryDate != null">
<if test="tPreDispatchInfo.entryDate != null and tPreDispatchInfo.entryDate.trim() != ''">
AND a.ENTRY_DATE = #{tPreDispatchInfo.entryDate}
<if test="tPreDispatchInfo.formalSalary != null and tPreDispatchInfo.formalSalary.trim() != ''">
......@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@
AND a.DEPART_ID_ADD = #{tPreDispatchInfo.departIdAdd}
<if test="tPreDispatchInfo.unitNameAdd != null and tPreDispatchInfo.unitNameAdd.trim() != ''">
AND a.UNIT_NAME_ADD = #{tPreDispatchInfo.unitNameAdd}
AND a.UNIT_NAME_ADD like CONCAT('%',#{tPreDispatchInfo.unitNameAdd,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%')
<if test="tPreDispatchInfo.departNameAdd != null and tPreDispatchInfo.departNameAdd.trim() != ''">
AND a.DEPART_NAME_ADD like CONCAT('%',#{tPreDispatchInfo.departNameAdd,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%')
......@@ -577,33 +577,33 @@
update t_pre_dispatch_info
<trim prefix="SET" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="date != null ">date = #{date},</if>
<if test="company != null and company != ''">company = #{company},</if>
<if test="payAddress != null and payAddress != ''">pay_address = #{payAddress},</if>
<if test="customerName != null and customerName != ''">customer_name = #{customerName},</if>
<if test="empName != null and empName != ''">emp_name = #{empName},</if>
<if test="empIdcard != null and empIdcard != ''">emp_idcard = #{empIdcard},</if>
<if test="telOne != null and telOne != ''">tel_one = #{telOne},</if>
<if test="telTwo != null and telTwo != ''">tel_two = #{telTwo},</if>
<if test="company != null">company = #{company},</if>
<if test="payAddress != null">pay_address = #{payAddress},</if>
<if test="customerName != null">customer_name = #{customerName},</if>
<if test="empName != null">emp_name = #{empName},</if>
<if test="empIdcard != null">emp_idcard = #{empIdcard},</if>
<if test="telOne != null">tel_one = #{telOne},</if>
<if test="telTwo != null">tel_two = #{telTwo},</if>
<if test="entryDate != null ">entry_date = #{entryDate},</if>
<if test="formalSalary != null and formalSalary != ''">formal_salary = #{formalSalary},</if>
<if test="dispatchStart != null and dispatchStart != ''">dispatch_start = #{dispatchStart},</if>
<if test="dispatchEnd != null and dispatchEnd != ''">dispatch_end = #{dispatchEnd},</if>
<if test="contractType != null and contractType != ''">contract_type = #{contractType},</if>
<if test="contractStart != null and contractStart != ''">contract_start = #{contractStart},</if>
<if test="contractEnd != null and contractEnd != ''">contract_end = #{contractEnd},</if>
<if test="contractNameAdd != null and contractNameAdd != ''">
<if test="formalSalary != null">formal_salary = #{formalSalary},</if>
<if test="dispatchStart != null">dispatch_start = #{dispatchStart},</if>
<if test="dispatchEnd != null">dispatch_end = #{dispatchEnd},</if>
<if test="contractType != null">contract_type = #{contractType},</if>
<if test="contractStart != null">contract_start = #{contractStart},</if>
<if test="contractEnd != null">contract_end = #{contractEnd},</if>
<if test="contractNameAdd != null">
contract_name_add = #{contractNameAdd},
<if test="contractTypeAdd != null and contractTypeAdd != ''">
<if test="contractTypeAdd != null">
contract_type_add = #{contractTypeAdd},
<if test="contractStartAdd != null and contractStartAdd != ''">
<if test="contractStartAdd != null">
contract_start_add = #{contractStartAdd},
<if test="contractEndAdd != null and contractEndAdd != ''">
<if test="contractEndAdd != null">
contract_end_add = #{contractEndAdd},
<if test="contractTermAdd != null and contractTermAdd != ''">
<if test="contractTermAdd != null">
contract_term_add = #{contractTermAdd},
<if test="contractNameAdd == null or contractNameAdd == ''">
......@@ -621,21 +621,21 @@
<if test="contractTermAdd == null or contractTermAdd == ''">
contract_term_add = null,
<if test="trialStart != null and trialStart != ''">trial_start = #{trialStart},</if>
<if test="trialEnd != null and trialEnd != ''">trial_end = #{trialEnd},</if>
<if test="trialSalary != null and trialSalary !='' ">trial_salary = #{trialSalary},</if>
<if test="workingSystem != null and workingSystem != ''">working_system = #{workingSystem},</if>
<if test="contractVersion != null and contractVersion != ''">contract_version = #{contractVersion},</if>
<if test="telNotice != null and telNotice != ''">tel_notice = #{telNotice},</if>
<if test="workingAddress != null and workingAddress != ''">working_address = #{workingAddress},</if>
<if test="remarkOne != null and remarkOne != ''">remark_one = #{remarkOne},</if>
<if test="remarkTwo != null and remarkTwo != ''">remark_two = #{remarkTwo},</if>
<if test="trialStart != null">trial_start = #{trialStart},</if>
<if test="trialEnd != null">trial_end = #{trialEnd},</if>
<if test="trialSalary != null">trial_salary = #{trialSalary},</if>
<if test="workingSystem != null">working_system = #{workingSystem},</if>
<if test="contractVersion != null">contract_version = #{contractVersion},</if>
<if test="telNotice != null">tel_notice = #{telNotice},</if>
<if test="workingAddress != null">working_address = #{workingAddress},</if>
<if test="remarkOne != null">remark_one = #{remarkOne},</if>
<if test="remarkTwo != null">remark_two = #{remarkTwo},</if>
<if test='type == "0"'>
<if test="pensionAddress != null and pensionAddress != ''">
<if test="pensionAddress != null">
pension_address = #{pensionAddress},
<if test="socialProvince != null and socialProvince != ''">social_province = #{socialProvince},</if>
<if test="socialCity != null and socialCity != ''">social_city = #{socialCity},</if>
<if test="socialTown != null and socialTown != ''">social_town = #{socialTown},</if>
<if test="socialProvince != null">social_province = #{socialProvince},</if>
<if test="socialCity != null">social_city = #{socialCity},</if>
<if test="socialTown != null">social_town = #{socialTown},</if>
<if test='pensionAddress == null || pensionAddress == ""'>
pension_address = null,
......@@ -643,15 +643,15 @@
social_city = null,
social_town = null,
<if test="fundAddress != null and fundAddress != ''">
<if test="fundAddress != null">
fund_address = #{fundAddress},
<if test="fundProvince != null and fundProvince != ''">
<if test="fundProvince != null">
fund_province = #{fundProvince},
<if test="fundCity == null">fund_city = null,</if>
<if test="fundTown == null">fund_town = null,</if>
<if test="fundCity != null and fundCity != ''">fund_city = #{fundCity},</if>
<if test="fundTown != null and fundTown != ''">fund_town = #{fundTown},</if>
<if test="fundCity != null">fund_city = #{fundCity},</if>
<if test="fundTown != null">fund_town = #{fundTown},</if>
<if test='fundAddress == null || fundAddress == ""'>
fund_address = null,
......@@ -661,12 +661,12 @@
<if test='type == "1"'>
<if test="pensionAddressReduce != null and pensionAddressReduce != ''">
<if test="pensionAddressReduce != null">
pension_address_reduce = #{pensionAddressReduce},
pension_address = #{pensionAddressReduce},
<if test="socialProvince != null and socialProvince != ''">social_province = #{socialProvince},</if>
<if test="socialCity != null and socialCity != ''">social_city = #{socialCity},</if>
<if test="socialTown != null and socialTown != ''">social_town = #{socialTown},</if>
<if test="socialProvince != null">social_province = #{socialProvince},</if>
<if test="socialCity != null">social_city = #{socialCity},</if>
<if test="socialTown != null">social_town = #{socialTown},</if>
<if test='pensionAddressReduce == null || pensionAddressReduce ==""'>
pension_address_reduce = null,
......@@ -676,16 +676,16 @@
social_city = null,
social_town = null,
<if test="fundAddressReduce != null and fundAddressReduce != ''">
<if test="fundAddressReduce != null">
fund_address_reduce = #{fundAddressReduce},
fund_address = #{fundAddressReduce},
<if test="fundProvince != null and fundProvince != ''">
<if test="fundProvince != null">
fund_province = #{fundProvince},
<if test="fundCity == null">fund_city = null,</if>
<if test="fundTown == null">fund_town = null,</if>
<if test="fundCity != null and fundCity != ''">fund_city = #{fundCity},</if>
<if test="fundTown != null and fundTown != ''">fund_town = #{fundTown},</if>
<if test="fundCity != null">fund_city = #{fundCity},</if>
<if test="fundTown != null">fund_town = #{fundTown},</if>
<if test='fundAddressReduce == null || fundAddressReduce == ""'>
fund_address_reduce = null,
......@@ -697,19 +697,19 @@
<if test="pensionBase != null ">pension_base = #{pensionBase},</if>
<if test="pensionStart != null and pensionStart != ''">pension_start = #{pensionStart},</if>
<if test="medicalAddress != null and medicalAddress != ''">medical_address = #{medicalAddress},</if>
<if test="pensionStart != null">pension_start = #{pensionStart},</if>
<if test="medicalAddress != null">medical_address = #{medicalAddress},</if>
<if test="medicalBase != null ">medical_base = #{medicalBase},</if>
<if test="medicalStart != null and medicalStart != ''">medical_start = #{medicalStart},</if>
<if test="injuryAddress != null and injuryAddress != ''">injury_address = #{injuryAddress},</if>
<if test="medicalStart != null">medical_start = #{medicalStart},</if>
<if test="injuryAddress != null ">injury_address = #{injuryAddress},</if>
<if test="injuryBase != null ">injury_base = #{injuryBase},</if>
<if test="injuryStart != null and injuryStart != ''">injury_start = #{injuryStart},</if>
<if test="birthAddress != null and birthAddress != ''">birth_address = #{birthAddress},</if>
<if test="injuryStart != null">injury_start = #{injuryStart},</if>
<if test="birthAddress != null">birth_address = #{birthAddress},</if>
<if test="birthBase != null ">birth_base = #{birthBase},</if>
<if test="birthStart != null and birthStart != ''">birth_start = #{birthStart},</if>
<if test="unemploymentAddress != null and unemploymentAddress != ''">unemployment_address = #{unemploymentAddress},</if>
<if test="birthStart != null">birth_start = #{birthStart},</if>
<if test="unemploymentAddress != null">unemployment_address = #{unemploymentAddress},</if>
<if test="unemploymentBase != null ">unemployment_base = #{unemploymentBase},</if>
<if test="unemploymentStart != null and unemploymentStart != ''">unemployment_start = #{unemploymentStart},</if>
<if test="unemploymentStart != null">unemployment_start = #{unemploymentStart},</if>
<if test="pensionBase == null ">pension_base = null,</if>
<if test="pensionStart == null">pension_start = null,</if>
<if test="medicalAddress == null or medicalAddress == ''">medical_address = null,</if>
......@@ -725,48 +725,48 @@
<if test="unemploymentBase == null ">unemployment_base = null,</if>
<if test="unemploymentStart == null">unemployment_start = null,</if>
<if test="fundBase != null ">fund_base = #{fundBase},</if>
<if test="fundStart != null and fundStart != ''">fund_start = #{fundStart},</if>
<if test="fundStart != null">fund_start = #{fundStart},</if>
<if test="fundPersonalPer != null ">fund_personal_per = #{fundPersonalPer},</if>
<if test="fundCompanyPer != null ">fund_company_per = #{fundCompanyPer},</if>
<if test="fundBase == null ">fund_base = null,</if>
<if test="fundStart == null">fund_start = null,</if>
<if test="fundPersonalPer == null ">fund_personal_per = null,</if>
<if test="fundCompanyPer == null ">fund_company_per = null,</if>
<if test="dispatchCompany != null and dispatchCompany != ''">dispatch_company = #{dispatchCompany},</if>
<if test="customerService != null and customerService != ''">customer_service = #{customerService},</if>
<if test="contractMinorName != null and contractMinorName != ''">contract_minor_name = #{contractMinorName},</if>
<if test="uniqueNumber != null and uniqueNumber != ''">unique_number = #{uniqueNumber},</if>
<if test="customerNumber != null and customerNumber != ''">customer_number = #{customerNumber},</if>
<if test="serviceType != null and serviceType != ''">service_type = #{serviceType},</if>
<if test="pensionEndReduce != null and pensionEndReduce != ''">pension_end_reduce = #{pensionEndReduce},</if>
<if test="medicalAddressReduce != null and medicalAddressReduce != ''">medical_address_reduce = #{medicalAddressReduce},</if>
<if test="medicalEndReduce != null and medicalEndReduce != ''">medical_end_reduce = #{medicalEndReduce},</if>
<if test="injuryAddressReduce != null and injuryAddressReduce != ''">injury_address_reduce = #{injuryAddressReduce},</if>
<if test="injuryEndReduce != null and injuryEndReduce != ''">injury_end_reduce = #{injuryEndReduce},</if>
<if test="birthAddressReduce != null and birthAddressReduce != ''">birth_address_reduce = #{birthAddressReduce},</if>
<if test="birthEndReduce != null and birthEndReduce != ''">birth_end_reduce = #{birthEndReduce},</if>
<if test="unemploymentAddressReduce != null and unemploymentAddressReduce != ''">unemployment_address_reduce = #{unemploymentAddressReduce},</if>
<if test="unemploymentEndReduce != null and unemploymentEndReduce != ''">unemployment_end_reduce = #{unemploymentEndReduce},</if>
<if test="fundEndReduce != null and fundEndReduce != ''">fund_end_reduce = #{fundEndReduce},</if>
<if test="dispatchCompany != null">dispatch_company = #{dispatchCompany},</if>
<if test="customerService != null">customer_service = #{customerService},</if>
<if test="contractMinorName != null">contract_minor_name = #{contractMinorName},</if>
<if test="uniqueNumber != null">unique_number = #{uniqueNumber},</if>
<if test="customerNumber != null">customer_number = #{customerNumber},</if>
<if test="serviceType != null">service_type = #{serviceType},</if>
<if test="pensionEndReduce != null">pension_end_reduce = #{pensionEndReduce},</if>
<if test="medicalAddressReduce != null">medical_address_reduce = #{medicalAddressReduce},</if>
<if test="medicalEndReduce != null">medical_end_reduce = #{medicalEndReduce},</if>
<if test="injuryAddressReduce != null">injury_address_reduce = #{injuryAddressReduce},</if>
<if test="injuryEndReduce != null">injury_end_reduce = #{injuryEndReduce},</if>
<if test="birthAddressReduce != null">birth_address_reduce = #{birthAddressReduce},</if>
<if test="birthEndReduce != null">birth_end_reduce = #{birthEndReduce},</if>
<if test="unemploymentAddressReduce != null">unemployment_address_reduce = #{unemploymentAddressReduce},</if>
<if test="unemploymentEndReduce != null">unemployment_end_reduce = #{unemploymentEndReduce},</if>
<if test="fundEndReduce != null">fund_end_reduce = #{fundEndReduce},</if>
<if test="leaveDate != null ">leave_date = #{leaveDate},</if>
<if test="leaveReason != null and leaveReason != ''">leave_reason = #{leaveReason},</if>
<if test="leaveReasonAdd != null and leaveReasonAdd != ''">leave_reason_add = #{leaveReasonAdd},</if>
<if test="empTypeAdd != null and empTypeAdd != ''">emp_type_add = #{empTypeAdd},</if>
<if test="unitIdAdd != null and unitIdAdd != ''">unit_id_add = #{unitIdAdd},</if>
<if test="departIdAdd != null and departIdAdd != ''">depart_id_add = #{departIdAdd},</if>
<if test="unitNameAdd != null and unitNameAdd != ''">unit_name_add = #{unitNameAdd},</if>
<if test="departNameAdd != null and departNameAdd != ''">depart_name_add = #{departNameAdd},</if>
<if test="socialHouseAdd != null and socialHouseAdd != ''">social_house_add = #{socialHouseAdd},</if>
<if test="fundHouseAdd != null and fundHouseAdd != ''">fund_house_add = #{fundHouseAdd},</if>
<if test="leaveReason != null">leave_reason = #{leaveReason},</if>
<if test="leaveReasonAdd != null">leave_reason_add = #{leaveReasonAdd},</if>
<if test="empTypeAdd != null">emp_type_add = #{empTypeAdd},</if>
<if test="unitIdAdd != null">unit_id_add = #{unitIdAdd},</if>
<if test="departIdAdd != null">depart_id_add = #{departIdAdd},</if>
<if test="unitNameAdd != null">unit_name_add = #{unitNameAdd},</if>
<if test="departNameAdd != null">depart_name_add = #{departNameAdd},</if>
<if test="socialHouseAdd != null">social_house_add = #{socialHouseAdd},</if>
<if test="fundHouseAdd != null">fund_house_add = #{fundHouseAdd},</if>
<if test="filingBaseAdd != null ">filing_base_add = #{filingBaseAdd},</if>
<if test="preStatus != null and preStatus != ''">pre_status = #{preStatus},</if>
<if test="status != null and status != ''">status = #{status},</if>
<if test="preStatus != null">pre_status = #{preStatus},</if>
<if test="status != null">status = #{status},</if>
<if test="exceptionContent != null">exception_content = #{exceptionContent},</if>
<if test="dayLimit != null ">day_limit = #{dayLimit},</if>
<if test="dataSubStatus != null and dataSubStatus != ''">data_sub_status = #{dataSubStatus},</if>
<if test="remark != null and remark != ''">remark = #{remark},</if>
<if test="dispatchFlag != null and dispatchFlag != ''">dispatch_flag = #{dispatchFlag},</if>
<if test="cancelRemark != null and cancelRemark != ''">cancel_remark = #{cancelRemark},</if>
<if test="dataSubStatus != null">data_sub_status = #{dataSubStatus},</if>
<if test="remark != null">remark = #{remark},</if>
<if test="dispatchFlag != null">dispatch_flag = #{dispatchFlag},</if>
<if test="cancelRemark != null">cancel_remark = #{cancelRemark},</if>
where id = #{id}
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