dapr.io/http-read-buffer-size:"16"#Dapr has a default limit of 4KB for the http header read buffer size. When sending http headers that are bigger than the default 4KB, you can increase this value. Otherwise, you may encounter a Too big request header
dapr.io/http-read-buffer-size:"16"#Dapr has a default limit of 4KB for the http header read buffer size. When sending http headers that are bigger than the default 4KB, you can increase this value. Otherwise, you may encounter a Too big request header
dapr.io/http-read-buffer-size:"16"#Dapr has a default limit of 4KB for the http header read buffer size. When sending http headers that are bigger than the default 4KB, you can increase this value. Otherwise, you may encounter a Too big request header
dapr.io/http-read-buffer-size:"16"#Dapr has a default limit of 4KB for the http header read buffer size. When sending http headers that are bigger than the default 4KB, you can increase this value. Otherwise, you may encounter a Too big request header
select count(1) from t_salary_account a where a.DELETE_FLAG = 0 and a.EMP_IDCARD = #{empIdCard} and a.SETTLEMENT_MONTH like concat(DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%Y'), '%')
select count(1) from t_salary_account a where a.DELETE_FLAG = 0 and a.EMP_IDCARD = #{empIdCard} and a.SETTLEMENT_MONTH like concat(DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%Y'), '%')
case s.STATUS when 0 then '待提交' when 1 then '待审核' when 2 then '待推送明细' when 3 then '已推送待发放' when 4 then '已发放' when 5 then '审核不通过' when 6 then '确认不通过' when 7 then '财务退回' when 10 then '推送失败' when 11 then '已审核生成收入中' when 12 then '已审核生成收入失败' else '-' end as status
,phoneSubsidy.SALARY_MONEY as phoneSubsidy
,s.BUSINESS_PRIMARY_TYPE as businessPrimaryType
,s.BUSINESS_SECOND_TYPE as businessSecondType
,s.BUSINESS_THIRD_TYPE as businessThirdType
t_salary_account a
left join t_salary_standard s on a.SALARY_FORM_ID = s.id
left join t_salary_account_item annualBonus on annualBonus.SALARY_ACCOUNT_ID = a.id and annualBonus.JAVA_FIED_NAME = 'annualBonus'
left join t_salary_account_item exemptionPersionTax on exemptionPersionTax.SALARY_ACCOUNT_ID = a.id and exemptionPersionTax.JAVA_FIED_NAME='exemptionPersionTax'
left join t_salary_account_item enterpriseAnnuity on enterpriseAnnuity.SALARY_ACCOUNT_ID = a.id and enterpriseAnnuity.JAVA_FIED_NAME='enterpriseAnnuity'
/*left join t_salary_account_item pdeduction on pdeduction.SALARY_ACCOUNT_ID = a.id and pdeduction.JAVA_FIED_NAME='pdeduction'*/
left join t_salary_account_item phoneSubsidy on phoneSubsidy.SALARY_ACCOUNT_ID = a.id and phoneSubsidy.JAVA_FIED_NAME='phoneSubsidy'