Commit 59b0523e authored by huyuchen's avatar huyuchen

缴费库 代码修改

parent eef55806
......@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ public class TEmpChangeInfoController {
@Operation(description = "分页查询")
@GetMapping("/getAllDeptPage" )
public R<IPage<TSettleDomain>> getItemNamePage(Page page) {
return new R<>(tEmpChangeInfoService.getAllDeptPage(page));
public R<IPage<TSettleDomain>> getItemNamePage(Page page,String deptName) {
return new R<>(tEmpChangeInfoService.getAllDeptPage(page, deptName));
......@@ -68,5 +68,5 @@ public interface TEmpChangeInfoService extends IService<TEmpChangeInfo> {
R<List<TCustomerInfo>> getAllUint();
IPage<TSettleDomain> getAllDeptPage(Page page);
IPage<TSettleDomain> getAllDeptPage(Page page, String deptName);
......@@ -241,15 +241,11 @@ public class TEmpChangeInfoServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TEmpChangeInfoMapper,
* @Date 2022-07-26
public IPage<TSettleDomain> getAllDeptPage(Page page) {
LambdaQueryWrapper<TSettleDomain> wrapper = buildQueryWrapper();
return tSettleDomainMapper.selectPage(page,wrapper);
private LambdaQueryWrapper buildQueryWrapper() {
public IPage<TSettleDomain> getAllDeptPage(Page page, String deptName) {
LambdaQueryWrapper<TSettleDomain> wrapper = Wrappers.lambdaQuery();
wrapper.eq(TSettleDomain::getDeleteFlag, CommonConstants.ZERO_STRING);
wrapper.eq(TSettleDomain::getStopFlag, CommonConstants.ZERO_STRING);
return wrapper;
return tSettleDomainMapper.selectPage(page,wrapper);
......@@ -68,7 +68,9 @@ public class ExcelAttributeValidityUtil<T> {
if (attr.isDate()) {
try {
DateUtil.parseDate(c.trim(), attr.dateFormat());
if (!Common.isEmpty(c)) {
DateUtil.parseDate(c.replace("/", "").replace("-", ""), "yyyyMMdd");
} catch (ParseException e) {
return (Common.isEmpty(attr.errorInfo()) ? + "_日期格式错误:" + attr.dateFormat() : attr.errorInfo());
......@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ import;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Length;
import javax.validation.constraints.Size;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
* 缴费库
......@@ -127,15 +127,17 @@ public class TPaymentInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 社保缴纳月份
@ExcelAttribute(name = "社保缴纳月份" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "社保缴纳月份", maxLength = 6,isInteger = true)
@Schema(description ="社保缴纳月份")
@Length(max = 6, message = "社保缴纳月份不能超过6个字符")
private String socialPayMonth;
* 社保生成月份
@ExcelAttribute(name = "社保生成月份" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "社保生成月份", maxLength = 6,isInteger = true)
@Length(max = 6, message = "社保生成月份不能超过6个字符")
@Schema(description ="社保生成月份")
private String socialCreateMonth;
......@@ -159,7 +161,8 @@ public class TPaymentInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 公积金缴纳月份
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金缴纳月份" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金缴纳月份", maxLength = 6,isInteger = true)
@Length(max = 6, message = "公积金缴纳月份不能超过6个字符")
@Schema(description ="公积金缴纳月份")
private String providentPayMonth;
......@@ -167,7 +170,8 @@ public class TPaymentInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 公积金生成月份
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金生成月份" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金生成月份", maxLength = 6,isInteger = true)
@Length(max = 6, message = "公积金生成月份不能超过6个字符")
@Schema(description ="公积金生成月份")
private String providentCreateMonth;
......@@ -393,176 +397,176 @@ public class TPaymentInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 个人养老基数
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人养老基数" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人养老基数")
private BigDecimal personalPensionSet;
* 个人医疗基数
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人医疗基数" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人医疗基数")
private BigDecimal personalMedicalSet;
* 个人失业基数
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人失业基数" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人失业基数")
private BigDecimal personalUnemploymentSet;
* 单位养老比例
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位养老比例" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位养老比例")
private BigDecimal unitPensionPer;
* 单位医疗比例
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位医疗比例" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位医疗比例")
private BigDecimal unitMedicalPer;
* 单位失业比例
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位失业比例" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位失业比例")
private BigDecimal unitUnemploymentPer;
* 单位工伤比例
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位工伤比例" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位工伤比例")
private BigDecimal unitInjuryPer;
* 单位生育比例
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位生育比例" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位生育比例")
private BigDecimal unitBirthPer;
* 个人养老比例
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人养老比例" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人养老比例")
private BigDecimal personalPensionPer;
* 个人医疗比例
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人医疗比例" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人医疗比例")
private BigDecimal personalMedicalPer;
* 个人失业比例
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人失业比例" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人失业比例")
private BigDecimal personalUnemploymentPer;
* 单位大病比例
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位大病比例" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位大病比例")
private BigDecimal unitBigailmentPer;
* 个人大病比例
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人大病比例" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人大病比例")
private BigDecimal personalBigailmentPer;
* 单位养老金额
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位养老金额" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位养老金额")
private BigDecimal unitPensionMoney;
* 单位医疗金额
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位医疗金额" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位医疗金额")
private BigDecimal unitMedicalMoney;
* 单位失业金额
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位失业金额" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位失业金额")
private BigDecimal unitUnemploymentMoney;
* 单位工伤金额
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位工伤金额" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位工伤金额")
private BigDecimal unitInjuryMoney;
* 单位生育金额
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位生育金额" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位生育金额")
private BigDecimal unitBirthMoney;
* 单位大病金额
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位大病金额" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位大病金额")
private BigDecimal unitBigmailmentMoney;
* 个人养老金额
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人养老金额" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人养老金额")
private BigDecimal personalPensionMoney;
* 个人医疗金额
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人医疗金额" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人医疗金额")
private BigDecimal personalMedicalMoney;
* 个人失业金额
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人失业金额" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人失业金额")
private BigDecimal personalUnemploymentMoney;
* 个人大病金额
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人大病金额" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人大病金额")
private BigDecimal personalBigmailmentMoney;
* 公积金编号
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金编号" , maxLength = 50 )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金编号", maxLength = 50)
@Size(max = 50, message = "公积金编号不可超过50位")
private String providentNo;
* 单位公积金基数
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位公积金基数" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位公积金基数")
private BigDecimal unitProvidentSet;
* 单位公积金比例
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位公积金比例" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位公积金比例")
private BigDecimal providentPercent;
* 单位公积金费用
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位公积金费用" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位公积金费用")
private BigDecimal unitProvidentSum;
* 个人公积金基数
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人公积金基数" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人公积金基数")
private BigDecimal personalProidentSet;
* 个人公积金费用
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人公积金费用" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "个人公积金费用")
private BigDecimal personalProvidentSum;
......@@ -16,21 +16,22 @@
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.IdType;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableField;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableId;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Length;
import javax.validation.constraints.DecimalMax;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import javax.validation.constraints.Size;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
......@@ -117,14 +118,16 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 联系电话1
@Schema(description ="联系电话1")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "联系电话1", maxLength = 20)
@Length(max = 11, message = "联系电话1不能超过11个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "联系电话1", maxLength = 11)
private String telOne;
* 联系电话2
@Schema(description ="联系电话2")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "联系电话2", maxLength = 20)
@Length(max = 11, message = "联系电话2不能超过11个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "联系电话2", maxLength = 11)
private String telTwo;
......@@ -139,7 +142,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 正式工资
@Schema(description ="正式工资")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "正式工资")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "正式工资", maxLength = 20)
private String formalSalary;
......@@ -194,7 +197,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 试用期工资
@Schema(description ="试用期工资")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "试用期工资")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "试用期工资", maxLength = 20)
private String trialSalary;
......@@ -224,6 +227,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 实际工作地
@Schema(description ="实际工作地")
@Length(max = 20, message = "实际工作地不能超过20个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "实际工作地")
private String workingAddress;
......@@ -231,6 +235,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 备注说明1
@Schema(description ="备注说明1")
@Length(max = 255, message = "备注说明1不能超过255个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "备注说明1", maxLength = 255)
private String remarkOne;
......@@ -238,6 +243,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 备注说明2
@Schema(description ="备注说明2")
@Length(max = 255, message = "备注说明2不能超过255个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "备注说明2", maxLength = 255)
private String remarkTwo;
......@@ -245,63 +251,66 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 养老城市
@Schema(description ="养老城市")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "养老城市")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "养老城市", maxLength = 15)
private String pensionAddress;
* 养老基数
@Schema(description ="养老基数")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "养老基数")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "养老基数", isFloat = true)
private BigDecimal pensionBase;
* 养老起缴月
@Schema(description ="养老起缴月")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "养老起缴月")
@Length(max = 6, message = "养老起缴月不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "养老起缴月", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String pensionStart;
* 医疗城市
@Schema(description ="医疗城市")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "医疗城市")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "医疗城市", maxLength = 15)
private String medicalAddress;
* 医疗基数
@Schema(description ="医疗基数")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "医疗基数")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "医疗基数", isFloat = true)
private BigDecimal medicalBase;
* 医疗起缴月
@Schema(description ="医疗起缴月")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "医疗起缴月")
@Length(max = 6, message = "医疗起缴月不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "医疗起缴月", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String medicalStart;
* 工伤城市
@Schema(description ="工伤城市")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "工伤城市")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "工伤城市", maxLength = 15)
private String injuryAddress;
* 工伤基数
@Schema(description ="工伤基数")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "工伤基数")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "工伤基数", isFloat = true, maxLength = 12)
private BigDecimal injuryBase;
* 工伤起缴月
@Schema(description ="工伤起缴月")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "工伤起缴月")
@Length(max = 6, message = "工伤起缴月不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "工伤起缴月", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String injuryStart;
......@@ -315,14 +324,15 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 生育基数
@Schema(description ="生育基数")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "生育基数")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "生育基数", isFloat = true)
private BigDecimal birthBase;
* 生育起缴月
@Schema(description ="生育起缴月")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "生育起缴月", maxLength = 6)
@Length(max = 6, message = "生育起缴月不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "生育起缴月", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String birthStart;
......@@ -336,14 +346,15 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 失业基数
@Schema(description ="失业基数")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "失业基数")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "失业基数", isFloat = true)
private BigDecimal unemploymentBase;
* 失业起缴月
@Schema(description ="失业起缴月")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "失业起缴月", maxLength = 6)
@Length(max = 6, message = "失业起缴月不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "失业起缴月", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String unemploymentStart;
......@@ -364,7 +375,8 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 公积金起缴月
@Schema(description ="公积金起缴月")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金起缴月", maxLength = 6)
@Length(max = 6, message = "公积金起缴月不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金起缴月", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String fundStart;
......@@ -372,6 +384,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
@Schema(description ="公积金个人比例")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金个人比例", isFloat = true)
@DecimalMax(value = "100.00",message = "公积金个人比例不能大于100.00")
private BigDecimal fundPersonalPer;
......@@ -379,13 +392,14 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
@Schema(description ="公积金企业比例")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金企业比例", isFloat = true)
@DecimalMax(value = "100.00",message = "公积金企业比例不能大于100.00")
private BigDecimal fundCompanyPer;
* 派单分公司
@Schema(description ="派单分公司")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派单分公司", maxLength = 50)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派单分公司", maxLength = 20)
private String dispatchCompany;
......@@ -400,7 +414,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 小合同名称
@Schema(description ="小合同名称")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "小合同名称", maxLength = 150)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "小合同名称", maxLength = 20)
private String contractMinorName;
......@@ -430,69 +444,69 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 养老城市
@Schema(description ="养老城市")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "养老城市", maxLength = 15)
private String pensionAddressReduce;
* 养老截止时间
@Schema(description ="养老截止时间")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "养老时间")
@Length(max = 6, message = "养老时间不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "养老时间", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String pensionEndReduce;
* 医疗城市
@Schema(description ="医疗城市")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "医疗城市", maxLength = 15)
private String medicalAddressReduce;
* 医疗截止时间
* 医疗时间
@Schema(description ="医疗截止时间")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "医疗时间")
@Schema(description ="医疗时间")
@Length(max = 6, message = "医疗时间不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "医疗时间", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String medicalEndReduce;
* 工伤城市
@Schema(description ="工伤城市")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "工伤城市", maxLength = 15)
private String injuryAddressReduce;
* 工伤截止时间
@Schema(description ="工伤时间")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "工伤时间")
@Length(max = 6, message = "工伤时间不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "工伤时间", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String injuryEndReduce;
* 生育城市
@Schema(description ="生育城市")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "生育城市", maxLength = 15)
private String birthAddressReduce;
* 生育截止时间
@Schema(description ="生育时间")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "生育时间")
@Length(max = 6, message = "生育时间不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "生育时间", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String birthEndReduce;
* 失业城市
@Schema(description ="失业城市")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "失业城市", maxLength = 15)
private String unemploymentAddressReduce;
* 失业截止时间
@Schema(description ="失业时间")
@Length(max = 6, message = "失业时间不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "失业时间", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String unemploymentEndReduce;
......@@ -500,13 +514,13 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 公积金城市
@Schema(description ="公积金城市")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金城市", maxLength = 15)
private String fundAddressReduce;
* 公积金截止时间
@Schema(description ="公积金时间")
@Length(max = 6, message = "公积金时间不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金时间", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String fundEndReduce;
......@@ -515,7 +529,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
@Schema(description ="离职日期")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "离职日期", isDate = true)
private Date leaveDate;
private String leaveDate;
* 离职原因
......@@ -528,7 +542,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 合同类型
@Schema(description ="合同类型")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "合同类型")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "合同类型", maxLength = 20)
private String contractType;
......@@ -728,7 +742,8 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 备注
@Schema(description ="备注")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "备注")
@Length(max = 255, message = "备注不能超过255个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "备注", maxLength = 255)
private String remark;
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package;
import lombok.Data;
......@@ -11,8 +10,8 @@ import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import javax.validation.constraints.Size;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.Date;
public class TPreDispatchExportVo implements Serializable {
......@@ -95,7 +94,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchExportVo implements Serializable {
@ExcelProperty(value ="入职日期")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "入职日期", needExport = true)
private LocalDate entryDate;
private String entryDate;
* 正式工资
......@@ -413,7 +412,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchExportVo implements Serializable {
@ExcelProperty(value ="离职日期")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "离职日期", needExport = true)
private LocalDateTime leaveDate;
private String leaveDate;
* 离职原因
* Copyright (c) 2018-2025, lengleng All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the developer nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
* this software without specific prior written permission.
* Author: lengleng (
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.IdType;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableField;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableId;
import lombok.Data;
import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Length;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import javax.validation.constraints.Size;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* 预派单记录
* @author huyc
* @date 2022-07-14 18:53:42
public class TPreDispatchReduceVo {
* 0 派增 1 派减
@Schema(description ="派单类型:0 派增 1 派减")
@NotNull(message = "派单类型不可为空")
@Size(max = 2, message = "派单类型不可超过2位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派单类型", maxLength = 2)
private String type;
* 日期,格式:2020-12-25
@Schema(description ="日期,格式:2020-12-25")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "日期", isDate = true)
private String date;
* 接单分公司
@Schema(description ="接单分公司")
@Size(max = 50, message = "接单分公司不可超过50位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "接单分公司", maxLength = 50)
private String company;
* 缴费地
@Schema(description ="缴费地")
@Size(max = 20, message = "缴费地不可超过20位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "缴费地", isNotEmpty = true,errorInfo = "缴费地不能为空", maxLength = 20)
private String payAddress;
* 客户名称
@Schema(description ="客户名称")
@Size(max = 50, message = "客户名称不可超过50位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "客户名称", errorInfo = "客户名称不能为空", maxLength = 50)
private String customerName;
* 身份证号
@Schema(description ="身份证号")
@NotNull(message = "身份证号码不可为空")
@Size(max = 20, message = "身份证号码不可超过20位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "身份证号", isNotEmpty = true,errorInfo = "身份证号不能为空", maxLength = 20, isIdCard = true)
private String empIdcard;
* 员工姓名
@Schema(description ="员工姓名")
@NotNull(message = "员工姓名不可为空")
@Size(max = 20, message = "员工姓名不可超过20位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "员工姓名", isNotEmpty = true, maxLength = 20)
private String empName;
* 联系电话1
@Schema(description ="联系电话1")
@Length(max = 11, message = "联系电话1不能超过11个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "联系电话1", maxLength = 11)
private String telOne;
* 联系电话2
@Schema(description ="联系电话2")
@Length(max = 11, message = "联系电话2不能超过11个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "联系电话2", maxLength = 11)
private String telTwo;
* 入职日期
@Schema(description ="入职日期")
@Size(max = 20, message = "入职日期不可超过20位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "入职日期", isDate = true)
private String entryDate;
* 正式工资
@Schema(description ="正式工资")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "正式工资")
private String formalSalary;
* 派遣开始日期
@Schema(description ="派遣开始日期")
@Size(max = 20, message = "派遣开始日期不可超过20位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派遣开始日期", maxLength = 20, isDate = true)
private String dispatchStart;
* 派遣结束日期
@Schema(description ="派遣结束日期")
@Size(max = 20, message = "派遣结束日期不可超过20位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派遣结束日期", maxLength = 20, isDate = true)
private String dispatchEnd;
* 合同开始日期
@Schema(description ="合同开始日期")
@Size(max = 20, message = "合同开始日期不可超过20位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "合同开始日期", maxLength = 20, isDate = true)
private String contractStart;
* 合同终止日期
@Schema(description ="合同终止日期")
@Size(max = 20, message = "合同终止日期不可超过20位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "合同终止日期", isDate = true)
private String contractEnd;
* 试用开始日期
@Schema(description ="试用开始日期")
@Size(max = 20, message = "试用开始日期不可超过20位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "试用开始日期", maxLength = 20, isDate = true)
private String trialStart;
* 试用结束日期
@Schema(description ="试用结束日期")
@Size(max = 20, message = "试用结束日期不可超过20位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "试用结束日期", maxLength = 20, isDate = true)
private String trialEnd;
* 试用期工资
@Schema(description ="试用期工资")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "试用期工资")
private String trialSalary;
* 工作制
@Schema(description ="工作制")
@Size(max = 20, message = "工作制不可超过20位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "工作制", maxLength = 20)
private String workingSystem;
* 合同版本
@Schema(description ="合同版本")
@Size(max = 20, message = "合同版本不可超过20位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "合同版本", maxLength = 20)
private String contractVersion;
* 是否电话通知
@Schema(description ="是否电话通知")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "是否电话通知")
private String telNotice;
* 实际工作地
@Schema(description ="实际工作地")
@Length(max = 20, message = "实际工作地不能超过20个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "实际工作地")
private String workingAddress;
* 备注说明1
@Schema(description ="备注说明1")
@Length(max = 255, message = "备注说明1不能超过255个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "备注说明1", maxLength = 255)
private String remarkOne;
* 备注说明2
@Schema(description ="备注说明2")
@Length(max = 255, message = "备注说明2不能超过255个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "备注说明2", maxLength = 255)
private String remarkTwo;
* 养老基数
@Schema(description ="养老基数")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "养老基数", isFloat = true)
private BigDecimal pensionBase;
* 养老起缴月
@Schema(description ="养老起缴月")
@Length(max = 6, message = "养老起缴月不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "养老起缴月", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String pensionStart;
* 医疗基数
@Schema(description ="医疗基数")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "医疗基数", isFloat = true)
private BigDecimal medicalBase;
* 医疗起缴月
@Schema(description ="医疗起缴月")
@Length(max = 6, message = "医疗起缴月不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "医疗起缴月", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String medicalStart;
* 工伤城市
@Schema(description ="工伤城市")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "工伤城市")
private String injuryAddressReduce;
* 工伤基数
@Schema(description ="工伤基数")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "工伤基数", isFloat = true)
private BigDecimal injuryBase;
* 工伤起缴月
@Schema(description ="工伤起缴月")
@Length(max = 6, message = "工伤起缴月不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "工伤起缴月", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String injuryStart;
* 生育基数
@Schema(description ="生育基数")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "生育基数", isFloat = true)
private BigDecimal birthBase;
* 生育起缴月
@Schema(description ="生育起缴月")
@Length(max = 6, message = "生育起缴月不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "生育起缴月", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String birthStart;
* 失业基数
@Schema(description ="失业基数")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "失业基数", isFloat = true)
private BigDecimal unemploymentBase;
* 失业起缴月
@Schema(description ="失业起缴月")
@Length(max = 6, message = "失业起缴月不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "失业起缴月", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String unemploymentStart;
* 公积金基数
@Schema(description ="公积金基数")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金基数", isFloat = true, maxLength = 12)
private BigDecimal fundBase;
* 公积金起缴月
@Schema(description ="公积金起缴月")
@Length(max = 6, message = "公积金起缴月不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金起缴月", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String fundStart;
* 公积金个人比例
@Schema(description ="公积金个人比例")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金个人比例", isFloat = true)
private BigDecimal fundPersonalPer;
* 公积金企业比例
@Schema(description ="公积金企业比例")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金企业比例", isFloat = true)
private BigDecimal fundCompanyPer;
* 派单分公司
@Schema(description ="派单分公司")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派单分公司", maxLength = 20)
private String dispatchCompany;
* 派单客服
@Schema(description ="派单客服")
@Size(max = 20, message = "派单客服不可超过20位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派单客服", maxLength = 20)
private String customerService;
* 小合同名称
@Schema(description ="小合同名称")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "小合同名称", maxLength = 20)
private String contractMinorName;
* 唯一号
@Schema(description ="唯一号")
@Size(max = 20, message = "唯一号不可超过20位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "唯一号", maxLength = 20)
private String uniqueNumber;
* 客户编号
@Schema(description ="客户编号")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "客户编号", maxLength = 20)
private String customerNumber;
* 服务类别
@Schema(description ="服务类别")
@Size(max = 20, message = "服务类别不可超过20位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "服务类别", maxLength = 20)
private String serviceType;
* 养老城市
@Schema(description ="养老城市")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "养老城市", maxLength = 15)
private String pensionAddressReduce;
* 养老截止时间
@Schema(description ="养老截止时间")
@Length(max = 6, message = "养老时间不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "养老时间", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String pensionEndReduce;
* 医疗城市
@Schema(description ="医疗城市")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "医疗城市", maxLength = 15)
private String medicalAddressReduce;
* 医疗时间
@Schema(description ="医疗时间")
@Length(max = 6, message = "医疗时间不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "医疗时间", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String medicalEndReduce;
* 工伤截止时间
@Schema(description ="工伤时间")
@Length(max = 6, message = "工伤时间不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "工伤时间", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String injuryEndReduce;
* 生育城市
@Schema(description ="生育城市")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "生育城市", maxLength = 15)
private String birthAddressReduce;
* 生育截止时间
@Schema(description ="生育时间")
@Length(max = 6, message = "生育时间不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "生育时间", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String birthEndReduce;
* 失业城市
@Schema(description ="失业城市")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "失业城市", maxLength = 15)
private String unemploymentAddressReduce;
* 失业截止时间
@Schema(description ="失业时间")
@Length(max = 6, message = "失业时间不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "失业时间", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String unemploymentEndReduce;
* 公积金城市
@Schema(description ="公积金城市")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金城市", maxLength = 15)
private String fundAddressReduce;
* 公积金截止时间
@Schema(description ="公积金时间")
@Length(max = 6, message = "公积金时间不能超过6个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金时间", maxLength = 6, isInteger = true)
private String fundEndReduce;
* 离职日期
@Schema(description ="离职日期")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "离职日期", isDate = true)
private String leaveDate;
* 离职原因
@Schema(description ="离职原因")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "离职原因")
private String leaveReason;
* 合同类型
@Schema(description ="合同类型")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "合同类型", maxLength = 20)
private String contractType;
* 员工类型
@Schema(description ="员工类型")
@Size(max = 20, message = "员工类型不可超过20位")
@NotNull(message = "员工类型不可为空")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "员工类型")
private String empTypeAdd;
* 所属单位ID
@Schema(description ="所属单位ID")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "所属单位ID", maxLength = 32)
private String unitIdAdd;
* 所属项目ID
@Schema(description ="所属项目ID")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "所属项目ID", maxLength = 32)
private String departIdAdd;
* 所属单位名称
@Schema(description ="所属单位名称")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "所属单位名称", maxLength = 50)
private String unitNameAdd;
* 所属项目名称
@Schema(description ="所属项目名称")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "所属项目名称", maxLength = 50)
private String departNameAdd;
* 社保户
@Schema(description ="社保户")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "社保户")
private String socialHouseAdd;
* 公积金户
@Schema(description ="公积金户")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金户", maxLength = 50)
private String fundHouseAdd;
* 备案基数
@Schema(description ="备案基数")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "备案基数", isFloat = true)
private BigDecimal filingBaseAdd;
* 0:正常未派单1:异常未派单2:已派单
@Schema(description ="0:正常未派单1:异常未派单2:已派单")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派单状态")
private String preStatus;
* 0:正常1:作废
@Schema(description ="0:正常1:作废")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "预派单状态", maxLength = 1)
private String status;
* 异常内容
@Schema(description ="异常内容")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "异常内容")
private String exceptionContent;
* 社保-省
@Schema(description ="社保-省")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "社保-省")
private String socialProvince;
* 社保-市
@Schema(description ="社保-市")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "社保-市")
private String socialCity;
* 社保-县
@Schema(description ="社保-县")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "社保-县")
private String socialTown;
* 公积金-省
@Schema(description ="公积金-省")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金-省")
private String fundProvince;
* 公积金-市
@Schema(description ="公积金-市")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金-市")
private String fundCity;
* 公积金-县
@Schema(description ="公积金-县")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金-县")
private String fundTown;
* 派单日期限制 在15日前可派单 15日及15后次月派单
@Schema(description ="派单日期限制 在15日前可派单 15日及15后次月派单")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派单日期限制", isInteger = true)
private Integer dayLimit;
* 资料是否提交: 0 已提交 1 未提交
@Schema(description ="资料是否提交: 0 已提交 1 未提交")
@NotNull(message = "资料是否提交不可为空")
@Size(max = 2, message = "资料是否提交不可超过2位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "资料是否提交", maxLength = 2)
private String dataSubStatus;
* 岗位
@Schema(description ="岗位")
@NotNull(message = "岗位不可为空")
@Size(max = 50, message = "岗位不可超过50位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "岗位")
private String positionAdd;
* 派单的合同名称
@Schema(description ="派单的合同名称")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派单合同名称")
private String contractNameAdd;
* 派单的合同类型
@Schema(description ="派单的合同类型")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派单合同类型")
private String contractTypeAdd;
* 合同开始时间
@Schema(description ="合同开始时间")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "合同开始时间")
private String contractStartAdd;
* 合同截止时间
@Schema(description ="合同截止时间")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "合同截止时间")
private String contractEndAdd;
* 合同期限:默认两年
@Schema(description ="合同期限:默认两年")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "合同期限")
private String contractTermAdd;
* 工时制:默认综合工时制
@Schema(description ="工时制:默认综合工时制")
private String workingHoursAdd;
* 离职原因(转换后的)
@Schema(description ="离职原因(转换后的)")
private String leaveReasonAdd;
* 备注
@Schema(description ="备注")
@Length(max = 255, message = "备注不能超过255个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "备注", maxLength = 255)
private String remark;
* 是否派单:0 是 1 否
@Schema(description ="是否派单:0 是 1 否 ")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "是否派单")
private String dispatchFlag;
* 取消原因:不派单时填写
@Schema(description ="取消原因:不派单时填写")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "取消原因")
private String cancelRemark;
* 创建人部门名称
@Schema(description ="创建人部门名称")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "创建人部门名称")
private String userDeptName;
* 开始时间(查询专用)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "创建开始时间")
@TableField(exist = false)
private LocalDateTime createTimeStart;
* 截止时间(查询专用)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "创建截止时间")
@TableField(exist = false)
private LocalDateTime createTimeEnd;
@TableField(exist = false)
@Schema(description = "选中的idList")
private List<String> idList;
@TableField(exist = false)
@Schema(description = "导出的表头的Set")
private Set<String> exportFields;
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import;
import lombok.Data;
import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Length;
import javax.validation.constraints.DecimalMax;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.Date;
......@@ -62,14 +63,14 @@ public class TPreDispatchUpdateVo extends TPreDispatchInfo {
* 联系电话1
@Length(max = 20, message = "联系电话1不能超过20个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "联系电话1", maxLength = 20)
@Length(max = 11, message = "联系电话1不能超过11个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "联系电话1", maxLength = 11)
private String telOne;
* 联系电话2
@Length(max = 20, message = "联系电话2不能超过20个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "联系电话2", maxLength = 20)
@Length(max = 11, message = "联系电话2不能超过11个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "联系电话2", maxLength = 11)
private String telTwo;
* 入职日期
......@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchUpdateVo extends TPreDispatchInfo {
* 正式工资
@ExcelAttribute(name = "正式工资")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "正式工资", maxLength = 20)
private String formalSalary;
* 派遣开始日期
......@@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchUpdateVo extends TPreDispatchInfo {
* 试用期工资
@ExcelAttribute(name = "试用期工资")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "试用期工资", maxLength = 20)
private String trialSalary;
* 工作制
......@@ -143,8 +144,8 @@ public class TPreDispatchUpdateVo extends TPreDispatchInfo {
* 实际工作地
@Length(max = 100, message = "实际工作地不能超过100个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "实际工作地", maxLength = 100)
@Length(max = 20, message = "实际工作地不能超过20个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "实际工作地", maxLength = 20)
private String workingAddress;
* 备注说明1
......@@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchUpdateVo extends TPreDispatchInfo {
* 养老基数
@ExcelAttribute(name = "养老基数",isFloat = true)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "养老基数",isFloat = true, maxLength = 12)
private BigDecimal pensionBase;
* 养老起缴月
......@@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchUpdateVo extends TPreDispatchInfo {
* 医疗基数
@ExcelAttribute(name = "医疗基数", isFloat = true)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "医疗基数", isFloat = true, maxLength = 12)
private BigDecimal medicalBase;
* 医疗起缴月
......@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchUpdateVo extends TPreDispatchInfo {
* 工伤基数
@ExcelAttribute(name = "工伤基数", isFloat = true)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "工伤基数", isFloat = true, maxLength = 12)
private BigDecimal injuryBase;
* 工伤起缴月
......@@ -218,7 +219,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchUpdateVo extends TPreDispatchInfo {
* 生育基数
@ExcelAttribute(name = "生育基数", isFloat = true)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "生育基数", isFloat = true, maxLength = 12)
private BigDecimal birthBase;
* 生育起缴月
......@@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchUpdateVo extends TPreDispatchInfo {
* 失业基数
@ExcelAttribute(name = "失业基数", isFloat = true)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "失业基数", isFloat = true, maxLength = 12)
private BigDecimal unemploymentBase;
* 失业起缴月
......@@ -252,7 +253,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchUpdateVo extends TPreDispatchInfo {
* 公积金基数
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金基数", isFloat = true)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金基数", isFloat = true, maxLength = 12)
private BigDecimal fundBase;
* 公积金起缴月
......@@ -264,17 +265,19 @@ public class TPreDispatchUpdateVo extends TPreDispatchInfo {
* 公积金个人比例
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金个人比例", isFloat = true)
@DecimalMax(value = "100.00",message = "公积金个人比例不能大于100.00")
private BigDecimal fundPersonalPer;
* 公积金企业比例
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金企业比例", isFloat = true)
@DecimalMax(value = "100.00",message = "公积金企业比例不能大于100.00")
private BigDecimal fundCompanyPer;
* 派单分公司
@Length(max = 50, message = "派单分公司不能超过50个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派单分公司", maxLength = 50)
@Length(max = 50, message = "派单分公司不能超过20个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派单分公司", maxLength = 20)
private String dispatchCompany;
* 派单客服
......@@ -285,8 +288,8 @@ public class TPreDispatchUpdateVo extends TPreDispatchInfo {
* 小合同名称
@Length(max = 150, message = "小合同名称不能超过150个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "小合同名称", maxLength = 150)
@Length(max = 20, message = "小合同名称不能超过20个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "小合同名称", maxLength = 20)
private String contractMinorName;
* 唯一号
......@@ -384,7 +387,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchUpdateVo extends TPreDispatchInfo {
* 离职日期
@ExcelAttribute(name = "离职日期", isDate = true)
private Date leaveDate;
private String leaveDate;
* 离职原因
......@@ -402,8 +405,8 @@ public class TPreDispatchUpdateVo extends TPreDispatchInfo {
* 合同类型
@Length(max = 50, message = "合同类型不能超过50个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "合同类型", maxLength = 50)
@Length(max = 20, message = "合同类型不能超过20个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "合同类型", maxLength = 20)
@ExcelProperty(value ="合同类型")
private String contractType;
......@@ -587,6 +590,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchUpdateVo extends TPreDispatchInfo {
* 备注
@ExcelAttribute(name = "备注", maxLength = 255)
@Length(max = 255, message = "备注不能超过255个字符")
private String remark;
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
......@@ -270,12 +271,12 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfoController {
if (null == user || null == user.getId()) {
return R.failed(CommonConstants.USER_FAIL);
ExcelUtil<TPreDispatchInfo> util1 = null;
ExcelUtil<TPreDispatchReduceVo> util1 = null;
try {
jsonString = URLDecoder.decode(jsonString, CommonConstants.UTF8).replace("=", "");
util1 = new ExcelUtil<>(TPreDispatchInfo.class);
util1 = new ExcelUtil<>(TPreDispatchReduceVo.class);
util1.getJsonStringToList(jsonString, null);
List<TPreDispatchInfo> listInfo = util1.getEntityList();
List<TPreDispatchReduceVo> listInfo = util1.getEntityList();
List<ErrorMessage> errorInfo = new ArrayList<>();
if (null != util1.getErrorInfo() && !util1.getErrorInfo().isEmpty()) {
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
......@@ -118,7 +119,7 @@ public interface TPreDispatchInfoService extends IService<TPreDispatchInfo> {
* @param user
* @return
List<ErrorMessage> batchSavePreDisPatchReduce(List<TPreDispatchInfo> listInfo, YifuUser user);
List<ErrorMessage> batchSavePreDisPatchReduce(List<TPreDispatchReduceVo> listInfo, YifuUser user);
* 预派单批量更新
......@@ -38,11 +38,9 @@ import*;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
......@@ -386,7 +384,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfoServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TPreDispatchInfoMap
if (Common.isNotNull(preInfo.getLeaveDate())){
......@@ -486,7 +484,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfoServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TPreDispatchInfoMap
if (null != pre.getLeaveDate()){
......@@ -629,7 +627,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfoServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TPreDispatchInfoMap
* 预派单批量新增派减
* @param listInfo
* @param list
* @param user
* @Author huyc
* @Date 2022-07-18
......@@ -637,11 +635,15 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfoServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TPreDispatchInfoMap
public List<ErrorMessage> batchSavePreDisPatchReduce(List<TPreDispatchInfo> listInfo, YifuUser user) {
public List<ErrorMessage> batchSavePreDisPatchReduce(List<TPreDispatchReduceVo> list, YifuUser user) {
List<ErrorMessage> errorList = new ArrayList<>();
// 获取区域数据MAP
HashMap<String, SysArea> areaIdMap = new HashMap<>(CommonConstants.SIXTEEN_INT);
HashMap<String, SysArea> areaHashMap = new HashMap<>(CommonConstants.SIXTEEN_INT);
// 做下转换
List<TPreDispatchInfo> listInfo = changePreRes(list);
if (dataCheck(listInfo, errorList, areaHashMap, areaIdMap)) {
return errorList;
......@@ -832,6 +834,18 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfoServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TPreDispatchInfoMap
return listInfo;
private List<TPreDispatchInfo> changePreRes(List<TPreDispatchReduceVo> list) {
List<TPreDispatchInfo> listInfo = new ArrayList<>();
TPreDispatchInfo preInfo = new TPreDispatchInfo();
if (Common.isNotNull(list)){
for (TPreDispatchReduceVo info:list){
return listInfo;
private void initBatchUpdateArea(HashMap<String, SysArea> areaHashMap, HashMap<String, SysArea> areaIdMap, TPreDispatchInfo info) {
R<Boolean> x;
if (CommonConstants.ZERO_STRING.equals(info.getType())){
......@@ -2131,7 +2145,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfoServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TPreDispatchInfoMap
if (null != pre.getLeaveDate()) {
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