Commit 6dbf88b9 authored by huyuchen's avatar huyuchen


parent 12a9c38a
...@@ -76,7 +76,22 @@ ...@@ -76,7 +76,22 @@
) )
</if> </if>
<if test="query.vacationStatus != null and query.vacationStatus.trim() != ''"> <if test="query.vacationStatus != null and query.vacationStatus.trim() != ''">
and a.VACATION_STATUS = #{query.vacationStatus} <!-- 待休 -->
<if test="query.vacationStatus == '0'.toString()">
and now() <![CDATA[<]]> a.VACATION_START_TIME and a.VACATION_STATUS = '4'
<!-- 休假中 -->
<if test="query.vacationStatus == '1'.toString()">
and now() <![CDATA[>=]]> a.VACATION_START_TIME and now() <![CDATA[<=]]> a.VACATION_END_TIME and a.VACATION_STATUS = '4'
<!-- 到期待销假 -->
<if test="query.vacationStatus == '2'.toString()">
and now() <![CDATA[>]]> a.VACATION_END_TIME and a.VACATION_STATUS = '4'
<!-- 已销假 -->
<if test="query.vacationStatus == '3'.toString()">
and a.VACATION_STATUS <![CDATA[<>]]> '4'
</if> </if>
</sql> </sql>
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