Commit 79e2e312 authored by fangxinjiang's avatar fangxinjiang

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/MVP1.6.8' into MVP1.6.8

parents b2bc8963 0ca46298
......@@ -151,25 +151,16 @@ public class EmployeeInsertVO extends RowIndex implements Serializable {
@ExcelProperty(value = "户口性质")
private String empRegisType;
* 档案-省
@HeadFontStyle(fontHeightInPoints = 11)
@ExcelProperty(value = "档案所在省")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "档案所在省", isArea = true, isNotEmpty = true, errorInfo = "档案所在省不能为空")
private String fileProvince;
* 档案-市
@HeadFontStyle(fontHeightInPoints = 11)
@ExcelProperty(value = "档案所在市")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "档案所在市", isArea = true, parentField = "fileProvince", isNotEmpty = true, errorInfo = "档案所在市不能为空")
private String fileCity;
* 档案-县
@HeadFontStyle(fontHeightInPoints = 11)
@ExcelProperty(value = "档案所在县")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "档案所在县", isArea = true, parentField = "fileCity", isNotEmpty = true, errorInfo = "档案所在县不能为空")
private String fileTown;
......@@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ public class TPreEmpMainVo extends RowIndex implements Serializable {
@ExcelAttribute(name = "员工类型", isDataId = true, dataType = ExcelAttributeConstants.EMP_NATRUE)
private String empNatrue;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "档案所在地省", isArea = true)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "档案所在地省", isArea = true, isNotEmpty = true, errorInfo = "档案所在地省不能为空")
private String fileProvince;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "档案所在地市", isArea = true, parentField = "fileProvince")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "档案所在地市", isArea = true, parentField = "fileProvince", isNotEmpty = true, errorInfo = "档案所在地市不能为空")
private String fileCity;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "档案所在地县", isArea = true, parentField = "fileCity")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "档案所在地县", isArea = true, parentField = "fileCity", isNotEmpty = true, errorInfo = "档案所在地县不能为空")
private String fileTown;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "计税月份")
......@@ -1263,31 +1263,6 @@ public class TEmployeeInfoServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TEmployeeInfoMapper, T
// 档案所在地
if (Common.isNotNull(excel.getFileProvince())) {
areaStr = ExcelUtil.getRedisAreaValue(CacheConstants.AREA_VALUE + excel.getFileProvince().trim());
if (Common.isEmpty(areaStr)) {
errorMsg.add(MsgUtils.getMessage(ErrorCodes.ARCHIVES_IMPORT_EMP_FILE_AREA_ERROR, excel.getEmpIdcard()));
} else {
if (Common.isNotNull(excel.getFileCity())) {
areaStr = ExcelUtil.getRedisAreaValue(CacheConstants.AREA_VALUE + excel.getFileCity().trim() + CommonConstants.DOWN_LINE_STRING + excel.getFileProvince().trim());
if (Common.isEmpty(areaStr)) {
errorMsg.add(MsgUtils.getMessage(ErrorCodes.ARCHIVES_IMPORT_EMP_FILE_AREA_ERROR, excel.getEmpIdcard()));
} else {
if (Common.isNotNull(excel.getFileTown())) {
areaStr = ExcelUtil.getRedisAreaValue(CacheConstants.AREA_VALUE + excel.getFileTown().trim() + CommonConstants.DOWN_LINE_STRING + excel.getFileCity().trim());
if (Common.isEmpty(areaStr)) {
errorMsg.add(MsgUtils.getMessage(ErrorCodes.ARCHIVES_IMPORT_EMP_FILE_AREA_ERROR, excel.getEmpIdcard()));
} else {
if (Common.isNotNull(excel.getIsCollege())) {
if (CommonConstants.IS_TRUE.equals(excel.getIsCollege())) {
......@@ -1780,31 +1755,6 @@ public class TEmployeeInfoServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TEmployeeInfoMapper, T
// 档案所在地
if (Common.isNotNull(excel.getFileProvince())) {
areaStr = ExcelUtil.getRedisAreaValue(CacheConstants.AREA_VALUE + excel.getFileProvince().trim());
if (Common.isEmpty(areaStr)) {
errorMsg.add(MsgUtils.getMessage(ErrorCodes.ARCHIVES_IMPORT_EMP_FILE_AREA_ERROR, excel.getEmpIdcard()));
} else {
if (Common.isNotNull(excel.getFileCity())) {
areaStr = ExcelUtil.getRedisAreaValue(CacheConstants.AREA_VALUE + excel.getFileCity().trim() + CommonConstants.DOWN_LINE_STRING + excel.getFileProvince().trim());
if (Common.isEmpty(areaStr)) {
errorMsg.add(MsgUtils.getMessage(ErrorCodes.ARCHIVES_IMPORT_EMP_FILE_AREA_ERROR, excel.getEmpIdcard()));
} else {
if (Common.isNotNull(excel.getFileTown())) {
areaStr = ExcelUtil.getRedisAreaValue(CacheConstants.AREA_VALUE + excel.getFileTown().trim() + CommonConstants.DOWN_LINE_STRING + excel.getFileCity().trim());
if (Common.isEmpty(areaStr)) {
errorMsg.add(MsgUtils.getMessage(ErrorCodes.ARCHIVES_IMPORT_EMP_FILE_AREA_ERROR, excel.getEmpIdcard()));
} else {
if (Common.isNotNull(excel.getIsCollege())) {
if (CommonConstants.IS_TRUE.equals(excel.getIsCollege())) {
......@@ -207,10 +207,10 @@
e.FILE_PROVINCE fileProvince,
e.IS_COLLEGE isCollege,
e.HIGN_EDUCATION hignEducation,
e.ADMISSION_DATE admissionDate,
e.GRADUTION_DATE gradutionDate,
if(e.HIGN_EDUCATION != '5' and e.HIGN_EDUCATION != '6' and e.HIGN_EDUCATION != '7' and e.HIGN_EDUCATION != '8','1',e.SCHOOL) SCHOOL,
if(e.HIGN_EDUCATION != '5' and e.HIGN_EDUCATION != '6' and e.HIGN_EDUCATION != '7' and e.HIGN_EDUCATION != '8','1',e.MAJOR) MAJOR,
if(e.HIGN_EDUCATION != '5' and e.HIGN_EDUCATION != '6' and e.HIGN_EDUCATION != '7' and e.HIGN_EDUCATION != '8','1',e.ADMISSION_DATE) admissionDate,
if(e.HIGN_EDUCATION != '5' and e.HIGN_EDUCATION != '6' and e.HIGN_EDUCATION != '7' and e.HIGN_EDUCATION != '8','1',e.GRADUTION_DATE) gradutionDate,
e.CONTACT_ADDRESS contactAddress,
e.FIRST_WORK_FLAG firstWorkFlag,
e.HAVE_QUALIFICATION haveQualification,
......@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
if(ifnull(b.REMARK,1) != 1,'1',null) as badRecordFlag,
if(c.count >0,'1',null) as educationFlag,
if(e.HIGN_EDUCATION != '5' and e.HIGN_EDUCATION != '6' and e.HIGN_EDUCATION != '7' and e.HIGN_EDUCATION != '8','1',if(c.count >0,'1',null)) as educationFlag,
if(g.count >0,'1',null) as familyFlag
......@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ public class ExcelUtil <T> implements Serializable {
private String getAreaValue(String c, String tempStr, ExcelAttribute attr,Integer rowNum, ErrorMessage errorTemp) {
tempStr = String.valueOf(RedisUtil.redis.opsForValue().get(CacheConstants.AREA_VALUE + c));
if (Common.isEmpty(tempStr)){
errorMessageHashMap = initErrorMessage(errorMessageHashMap, new ErrorMessage(rowNum, + ":" + c.trim() + "校验异常,请联系管理人员"), errorTemp);
errorMessageHashMap = initErrorMessage(errorMessageHashMap, new ErrorMessage(rowNum, + ":" + c.trim() + "校验异常"), errorTemp);
return CommonConstants.EMPTY_STRING;
return tempStr;
......@@ -477,6 +477,16 @@ public class SocialSoldierExportVo implements Serializable {
@ExcelProperty(value = "首次至缴纳地时间")
private Date firstPayTime;
* 离职日期
@ExcelAttribute(name = "离职日期")
@ContentStyle(dataFormat = 49)
@Schema(description = "离职日期")
@HeadFontStyle(fontHeightInPoints = 11)
@ExcelProperty("离职日期" )
private String leaveDate;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "养老工伤失业-办理状态", readConverterExp = "0=无,1=待办理,2=自动办理中,3=继续办理,4=中止办理,5=人工处理,6=成功,7=提交成功", needExport = true)
@Schema(description = "养老工伤失业-办理状态")
@HeadFontStyle(fontHeightInPoints = 11)
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ public class TDispatchImportVo extends RowIndex implements Serializable {
* 档案-省
@ExcelAttribute(name = "档案-省" ,isArea = true)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "档案-省" ,isArea = true, isNotEmpty = true, errorInfo = "档案-省不能为空")
@Schema(description = "档案-省" )
@HeadFontStyle(fontHeightInPoints = 11)
@ExcelProperty("档案-省" )
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ public class TDispatchImportVo extends RowIndex implements Serializable {
* 档案-市
@ExcelAttribute(name = "档案-市" ,isArea = true,parentField = "fileProvince")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "档案-市" ,isArea = true,parentField = "fileProvince", isNotEmpty = true, errorInfo = "档案-市不能为空")
@Schema(description = "档案-市" )
@HeadFontStyle(fontHeightInPoints = 11)
@ExcelProperty("档案-市" )
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ public class TDispatchImportVo extends RowIndex implements Serializable {
* 档案-县
@ExcelAttribute(name = "档案-县" ,isArea = true,parentField = "fileCity")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "档案-县" ,isArea = true,parentField = "fileCity", isNotEmpty = true, errorInfo = "档案-县不能为空")
@Schema(description = "档案-县" )
@HeadFontStyle(fontHeightInPoints = 11)
@ExcelProperty("档案-县" )
......@@ -1126,6 +1126,7 @@
<result property="firstPayTime" column="FIRST_PAY_TIME"/>
<result property="graduationTime" column="GRADUATION_TIME"/>
<result property="leaveDate" column="LEAVE_DATE"/>
<result property="ygsHandleStatus" column="ygs_Handle_Status"/>
<result property="ysdHandleStatus" column="ysd_Handle_Status"/>
<result property="ygsRemark" column="YGS_REMARK"/>
......@@ -1334,7 +1335,8 @@
IF(a.LEAVE_DATE is not null,DATE_FORMAT(a.LEAVE_DATE,"%Y-%m-%d"),"") as "LEAVE_DATE"
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