Commit d2cd49b6 authored by 李灿灿's avatar 李灿灿

20221107 商险详情空指针报错处理

parent ffa5ac3d
......@@ -826,12 +826,14 @@ public class TInsuranceDetailServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TInsuranceDetailMap
R<SetInfoVo> setInfoByCodes = archivesDaprUtil.getSetInfoByCodes(Arrays.asList(insuranceDetailVO.getDeptNo()));
if (null != setInfoByCodes && setInfoByCodes.getCode() == CommonConstants.SUCCESS && Common.isNotNull(setInfoByCodes.getData())) {
Map<String, ProjectSetInfoVo> data = setInfoByCodes.getData().getProjectSetInfoVoMap();
ProjectSetInfoVo jsonObject = data.get(insuranceDetailVO.getDeptNo());
if (null != jsonObject){
return insuranceDetailVO;
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