Commit dd3f00f6 authored by zhaji's avatar zhaji

Merge branch 'develop' into feature-zhaji

parents b6ed50c0 831eacbe
......@@ -474,4 +474,16 @@ public class TEmployeeInfoController {
public Boolean updateEmpInfo(@RequestBody UpdateEmpVo vo) {
return tEmployeeInfoService.updateEmpInfo(vo);
* @Description: 查验手机号码是否存在
* @Author: fxj
* @Date: 2022/08/01 18:52
@Operation(summary = "通过mobile查询是否已存在", description = "通过mobile查询是否已存在")
public Boolean checkMobile(@RequestBody String mobile) {
return tEmployeeInfoService.checkMobile(mobile);
......@@ -186,4 +186,6 @@ public interface TEmployeeInfoService extends IService<TEmployeeInfo> {
EmpDispatchAddVo addDispatchInfo(EmpDispatchAddVo addVo);
Boolean updateEmpInfo(UpdateEmpVo vo);
Boolean checkMobile(String mobile);
......@@ -2135,6 +2135,16 @@ public class TEmployeeInfoServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TEmployeeInfoMapper, T
return true;
public Boolean checkMobile(String mobile) {
if (Common.isEmpty(mobile)){
return true;
return !(baseMapper.selectCount(Wrappers.<TEmployeeInfo>query().lambda()
.eq(TEmployeeInfo::getDeleteFlag,CommonConstants.ZERO_STRING)) > 0);
private void saveContract(Map<String, EmpProjectDispatchVo> projectsMap,
Map<String, EmpContractDispatchVo> contractsMap,
Map<String, EmpAddDispatchVo> empAddsMap) {
......@@ -480,4 +480,8 @@ public interface ErrorCodes {
* 派增异常: 单派工伤其他起缴日期不可填写
* 派增异常: 已存在对应手机号码的在用员工档案
......@@ -287,8 +287,7 @@ public class DateUtil {
// setLenient avoids allowing dates like 9/32/2001
// which would otherwise parse to 10/2/2001
return df.parse(dateText);
return df.parse( dateText.replace("/","").replace("-",""));
} catch (ParseException e) {
return null;
......@@ -633,7 +633,9 @@ public class ExcelUtil <T> implements Serializable {
if (Common.isNotNull(c)) {
if (attr.isDate()) {
DateUtil.stringToDate(c.trim(), attr.dateFormat());
if (null == DateUtil.stringToDate(c.trim(), "yyyyMMdd")) {
return errorInfo(attr, "_日期格式有误", i);
if (attr.isPhone() && getMatchRes(c.trim(), attr, ValidityConstants.MOBILE_PATTERN)) {
......@@ -183,6 +183,8 @@\u6D3E\u51CF\u5F02\u5E38\uFF1A \u65E0\u\u6D3E\u589E\u5F02\u5E38\uFF1A \u5355\u6D3E\u5DE5\u4F24\u5176\u4ED6\u8D77\u7F34\u65E5\u671F\u4E0D\u53EF\u586B\u5199\u6D3E\u589E\u5F02\u5E38\uFF1A \u5DF2\u5B58\u5728\u5BF9\u5E94\u624B\u673A\u53F7\u7801\u7684\u5728\u7528\u5458\u5DE5\u6863\u6848
......@@ -187,4 +187,18 @@ public class ArchivesDaprUtil {
return res;
* @Author fxj
* @Description 校验手机号码重复
* @Date 22:11 2022/8/4
* @Param
* @return
public R<Boolean> checkMobile(String mobile) {
R<Boolean> res = HttpDaprUtil.invokeMethodPost(daprArchivesProperties.getAppUrl(),daprArchivesProperties.getAppId(),"/temployeeinfo/inner/checkMobile" , mobile, Boolean.class, SecurityConstants.FROM_IN);
if (Common.isEmpty(res)){
return R.failed("检验号码重复信息失败!");
return res;
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ public class DispatchConstants {
* 社保派单
* '缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳) PAYMENT_TYPE
* '缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高) PAYMENT_TYPE
enum PaymentType {
LATEST("0", "最低"),
......@@ -85,11 +85,11 @@ public class TPaymentInfo extends BaseEntity {
private String empIdcard;
* 单位名称
* 客户名称
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位名称" )
@Schema(description ="单位名称")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "客户名称" )
@Schema(description ="客户名称")
private String unitId;
......@@ -542,10 +542,10 @@ public class TPaymentInfo extends BaseEntity {
private BigDecimal unitProvidentSet;
* 单公积金比例
* 单公积金比例
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单公积金比例" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单公积金比例" )
private BigDecimal providentPercent;
* 单位公积金费用
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 日期,格式:2020-12-25
@Schema(description ="日期,格式:2020-12-25")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "日期")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "日期", isDate = true)
private String date;
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
@Schema(description ="入职日期")
@Size(max = 20, message = "入职日期不可超过20位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "入职日期",isDate = true,dateFormatExport = DateUtil.ISO_EXPANDED_DATE_FORMAT)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "入职日期", isDate = true)
private String entryDate;
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
@Schema(description ="派遣开始日期")
@Size(max = 20, message = "派遣开始日期不可超过20位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派遣开始日期", maxLength = 20)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派遣开始日期", maxLength = 20, isDate = true)
private String dispatchStart;
......@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
@Schema(description ="派遣结束日期")
@Size(max = 20, message = "派遣结束日期不可超过20位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派遣结束日期", maxLength = 20, isDate = true)
private String dispatchEnd;
......@@ -162,7 +163,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
@Schema(description ="合同开始日期")
@Size(max = 20, message = "合同开始日期不可超过20位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派遣结束日期", maxLength = 20)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "合同开始日期", maxLength = 20, isDate = true)
private String contractStart;
......@@ -170,7 +171,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
@Schema(description ="合同终止日期")
@Size(max = 20, message = "合同终止日期不可超过20位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "合同终止日期", isDate = true, dateFormatExport = DateUtil.ISO_EXPANDED_DATE_FORMAT)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "合同终止日期", isDate = true)
private String contractEnd;
......@@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
@Schema(description ="试用开始日期")
@Size(max = 20, message = "试用开始日期不可超过20位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "试用开始日期", maxLength = 20)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "试用开始日期", maxLength = 20, isDate = true)
private String trialStart;
......@@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
@Schema(description ="试用结束日期")
@Size(max = 20, message = "试用结束日期不可超过20位")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "试用结束日期", maxLength = 20)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "试用结束日期", maxLength = 20, isDate = true)
private String trialEnd;
......@@ -513,7 +514,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfo extends BaseEntity {
* 离职日期
@Schema(description ="离职日期")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "离职日期")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "离职日期", isDate = true)
private Date leaveDate;
......@@ -298,11 +298,11 @@ public class TSocialFundHistory extends BaseEntity {
@ExcelProperty("个人公积金金额" )
private BigDecimal personalFundMoney;
* 缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳
* 缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高
@ExcelAttribute(name = "缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳)" )
@Schema(description = "缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳)" )
@ExcelProperty("缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳)" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高)" )
@Schema(description = "缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高)" )
@ExcelProperty("缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高)" )
private Integer paymentType;
* 是否是社保:0否1是
......@@ -608,12 +608,12 @@ public class TSocialFundInfo extends BaseEntity {
@ExcelProperty("委托备注" )
private String trustRemark;
* 缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义缴纳、2最高缴纳
* 缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义缴纳、2最高
@Length(max = 1, message = "缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳) 不能超过1个字符" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳)", maxLength = 1)
@Schema(description = "缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳)" )
@ExcelProperty("缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳)" )
@Length(max = 1, message = "缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高) 不能超过1个字符" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高)", maxLength = 1)
@Schema(description = "缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高)" )
@ExcelProperty("缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高)" )
private String paymentType;
* 基数上限(社保或公积金)
......@@ -634,12 +634,12 @@ public class TSocialInfo extends BaseEntity {
@ExcelProperty("电信编号" )
private String telecomNumber;
* 缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳
* 缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高
@Length(max = 1, message = "缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳) 不能超过1个字符" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳)", maxLength = 1)
@Schema(description = "缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳)" )
@ExcelProperty("缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳)" )
@Length(max = 1, message = "缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高) 不能超过1个字符" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高)", maxLength = 1)
@Schema(description = "缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高)" )
@ExcelProperty("缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高)" )
private String paymentType;
* 备案基数
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ public class SocialHandleExportVo implements Serializable {
* 员工类型
@ExcelAttribute(name = "员工类型", errorInfo = "员工类型不能为空", maxLength = 1, isDataId = true,dataType = ExcelAttributeConstants.PERSONNEL_TYPE,needExport = true)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "员工类型", errorInfo = "员工类型不能为空", isDataId = true,dataType = ExcelAttributeConstants.EMP_NATRUE,needExport = true)
@ExcelProperty("员工类型" )
private String empType;
......@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ public class SocialHandleExportVo implements Serializable {
* 户口性质
@ExcelAttribute(name = "户口性质", maxLength = 32, isDataId = true, dataType = ExcelAttributeConstants.HOUSEHOLD_NATURE,needExport = true)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "户口性质", maxLength = 32, isDataId = true, dataType = ExcelAttributeConstants.EMP_REGISTYPE,needExport = true)
@Schema(description = "户口性质")
@ExcelProperty("户口性质" )
private String empRegisType;
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ public class SocialHandleExportVo implements Serializable {
* 民族
@ExcelAttribute(name = "民族", maxLength = 32, isDataId = true, dataType = ExcelAttributeConstants.NATION,needExport = true)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "民族", maxLength = 32, isDataId = true, dataType = ExcelAttributeConstants.EMP_NATIONAL,needExport = true)
@Schema(description = "民族")
@ExcelProperty("民族" )
private String empNational;
......@@ -197,10 +197,10 @@ public class SocialHandleExportVo implements Serializable {
private String recordBase;
* 缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳
* 缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高
@ExcelAttribute(name = "缴纳类型",isDataId = true,readConverterExp = "0=最低缴纳,1=自定义,2=最高缴纳",needExport = true)
@Schema(description = "缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳)")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "缴纳类型",isDataId = true,readConverterExp = "0=最低,1=自定义,2=最高",needExport = true)
@Schema(description = "缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高)")
@ExcelProperty("缴纳类型" )
private String paymentType;
......@@ -213,21 +213,21 @@ public class SocialHandleExportVo implements Serializable {
* 缴纳地-省
@ExcelAttribute(name = "社保缴纳地-省", maxLength = 32, isDataId = true, isArea = true, parentField = "",needExport = true)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "社保缴纳地-省", maxLength = 32,isArea = true,needExport = true)
@Schema(description = "社保缴纳地-省")
@ExcelProperty("社保缴纳地-省" )
private String socialProvince;
* 缴纳地-市
@ExcelAttribute(name = "社保缴纳地-市", maxLength = 32, isDataId = true, isArea = true, parentField = "socialProvince",needExport = true)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "社保缴纳地-市", maxLength = 32, isArea = true, parentField = "socialProvince",needExport = true)
@Schema(description = "社保缴纳地-市")
@ExcelProperty("社保缴纳地-市" )
private String socialCity;
* 缴纳地-县
@ExcelAttribute(name = "社保缴纳地-县", maxLength = 32, isDataId = true, isArea = true, parentField = "socialCity",needExport = true)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "社保缴纳地-县", maxLength = 32, isArea = true, parentField = "socialCity",needExport = true)
@Schema(description = "社保缴纳地-县")
@ExcelProperty("社保缴纳地-县" )
private String socialTown;
......@@ -306,11 +306,11 @@ public class TDispatchImportVo extends RowIndex implements Serializable {
@ExcelProperty("大病起缴日期" )
private Date bigailmentStart;
* 缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳
* 缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高
@Length(max = 1, message = "缴纳类型 不能超过1 个字符" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "缴纳类型", isDataId = true, readConverterExp = "0=最低缴纳,1=自定义,2=最高缴纳")
@Schema(description = "缴纳类型:(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳)" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "缴纳类型", isDataId = true, readConverterExp = "0=最低,1=自定义,2=最高")
@Schema(description = "缴纳类型:(0最低、1自定义、2最高)" )
@ExcelProperty("缴纳类型" )
private String paymentType;
......@@ -82,12 +82,12 @@ public class TPaymentInfoVo extends RowIndex implements Serializable {
private String empIdcard;
* 单位名称
* 客户名称
@Length(max = 50, message = "单位名称 不能超过50 个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单位名称", maxLength = 50)
@Schema(description = "单位名称")
@Length(max = 50, message = "客户名称 不能超过50 个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "客户名称", maxLength = 50)
@Schema(description = "客户名称")
private String unitId;
* 项目名称
......@@ -558,11 +558,11 @@ public class TPaymentInfoVo extends RowIndex implements Serializable {
private BigDecimal unitProvidentSet;
* 单公积金比例
* 单公积金比例
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单公积金比例")
@Schema(description ="单公积金比例")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "单公积金比例")
@Schema(description ="单公积金比例")
private BigDecimal providentPercent;
* 单位公积金费用
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchUpdateVo extends TPreDispatchInfo {
* 日期,格式:2020-12-25
@ExcelAttribute(name = "日期")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "日期", isDate = true)
private String date;
* 接单分公司
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchUpdateVo extends TPreDispatchInfo {
* 入职日期
@ExcelAttribute(name = "入职日期")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "入职日期", isDate = true)
private String entryDate;
* 正式工资
......@@ -85,37 +85,37 @@ public class TPreDispatchUpdateVo extends TPreDispatchInfo {
* 派遣开始日期
@Length(max = 20, message = "派遣开始日期不能超过20个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派遣开始日期", maxLength = 20)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派遣开始日期", maxLength = 20, isDate = true)
private String dispatchStart;
* 派遣结束日期
@Length(max = 20, message = "派遣结束日期不能超过20个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派遣结束日期", maxLength = 20)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派遣结束日期", maxLength = 20, isDate = true)
private String dispatchEnd;
* 合同开始日期
@Length(max = 20, message = "合同开始日期不能超过20个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "合同开始日期", maxLength = 20)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "合同开始日期", maxLength = 20, isDate = true)
private String contractStart;
* 合同终止日期
@Length(max = 20, message = "合同终止日期不能超过20个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "合同终止日期", maxLength = 20)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "合同终止日期", maxLength = 20, isDate = true)
private String contractEnd;
* 试用开始日期
@Length(max = 20, message = "试用开始日期不能超过20个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "试用开始日期", maxLength = 20)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "试用开始日期", maxLength = 20, isDate = true)
private String trialStart;
* 试用结束日期
@Length(max = 20, message = "试用结束日期不能超过20个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "试用结束日期", maxLength = 20)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "试用结束日期", maxLength = 20, isDate = true)
private String trialEnd;
* 试用期工资
......@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchUpdateVo extends TPreDispatchInfo {
* 离职日期
@ExcelAttribute(name = "离职日期", isDate = true, dateFormatExport = DateUtil.ISO_EXPANDED_DATE_FORMAT)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "离职日期", isDate = true)
private Date leaveDate;
* 离职原因
......@@ -543,13 +543,13 @@ public class TPreDispatchUpdateVo extends TPreDispatchInfo {
* 派单合同开始时间
@Length(max = 20, message = "派单合同开始时间不能超过20个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派单合同开始时间", maxLength = 20)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派单合同开始时间", maxLength = 20, isDate = true)
private String contractStartAdd;
* 派单合同截止时间
@Length(max = 20, message = "派单合同截止时间不能超过20个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派单合同截止时间", maxLength = 20)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "派单合同截止时间", maxLength = 20, isDate = true)
private String contractEndAdd;
* 派单合同期限
......@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ public class TSocialFundHistoryVo extends RowIndex implements Serializable {
private String empIdcard;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "缴纳类型", readConverterExp = "0=最低缴纳,1=自定义缴纳,2=最高缴纳")
@Schema(description = "缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义缴纳、2最高缴纳)")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "缴纳类型", readConverterExp = "0=最低,1=自定义缴纳,2=最高")
@Schema(description = "缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义缴纳、2最高)")
private String paymentType;
......@@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ public class TSocialFundInfoExportVo extends RowIndex implements Serializable {
private Date bigailmentStart;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "缴纳类型", readConverterExp = "0=最低缴纳,1=自定义,2=最高缴纳")
@Schema(description = "缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳)")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "缴纳类型", readConverterExp = "0=最低,1=自定义,2=最高")
@Schema(description = "缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高)")
private String paymentType;
......@@ -301,8 +301,8 @@ public class TSocialFundInfoVo extends RowIndex implements Serializable {
private Date bigailmentStart;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "缴纳类型", readConverterExp = "0=最低缴纳,1=自定义,2=最高缴纳")
@Schema(description = "缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳)")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "缴纳类型", readConverterExp = "0=最低,1=自定义,2=最高")
@Schema(description = "缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高)")
private String paymentType;
......@@ -620,12 +620,12 @@ public class TSocialInfoVo extends RowIndex implements Serializable {
@ExcelProperty("电信编号" )
private String telecomNumber;
* 缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义缴纳、2最高缴纳
* 缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义缴纳、2最高
@Length(max = 1, message = "缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳) 不能超过1 个字符" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳)", maxLength = 1)
@Schema(description = "缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳)" )
@ExcelProperty("缴纳类型(0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳)" )
@Length(max = 1, message = "缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高) 不能超过1 个字符" )
@ExcelAttribute(name = "缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高)", maxLength = 1)
@Schema(description = "缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高)" )
@ExcelProperty("缴纳类型(0最低、1自定义、2最高)" )
private String paymentType;
* 备案基数
......@@ -1082,7 +1082,7 @@ public class TForecastLibraryServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TForecastLibraryMap
* @param library 预估库
* @param socialInfo 社保
* @param sysBaseSetInfo 基数配置
* @param paymentType 0最低缴纳、1自定义、2最高缴纳
* @param paymentType 0最低、1自定义、2最高
* @Description: 塞大病金额
* @Author: hgw
* @Date: 2020/11/25 15:51
......@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfoServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TPreDispatchInfoMap
return null;
return errorList;
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