Commit f2a3e3c5 authored by wangzb's avatar wangzb

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/MVP1.5.4' into MVP1.5.4

parents d6986d02 3b08fc13
......@@ -843,7 +843,7 @@
GROUP_CONCAT(pdeduction.CN_NAME,':',pdeduction.SALARY_MONEY SEPARATOR ';') pdeductionDetail,
sum(ifnull(pdeduction.SALARY_MONEY,0)) pdeductionMoney,
if(a.PAY_SETTLE_FLAG = '0','已结算',if(a.PAY_SETTLE_FLAG = '1','结算中',if(a.PAY_SETTLE_FLAG = '2','未结算','-'))) paySettleFlag,
case s.STATUS when 0 then '待提交' when 1 then '待审核' when 2 then '待推送明细' when 3 then '已推送待发放' when 4 then '已发放' when 5 then '审核不通过' when 7 then '财务退回' when 10 then '推送失败' when 11 then '已审核生成收入中' when 12 then '已审核生成收入失败' else '-' end as status
case s.STATUS when 0 then '待提交' when 1 then '待审核' when 2 then '待推送明细' when 3 then '已推送待发放' when 4 then '已发放' when 5 then '审核不通过' when 6 then '确认不通过' when 7 then '财务退回' when 10 then '推送失败' when 11 then '已审核生成收入中' when 12 then '已审核生成收入失败' else '-' end as status
t_salary_account a
left join t_salary_standard s on a.SALARY_FORM_ID =
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