Commit fd61bf08 authored by huyuchen's avatar huyuchen

预派单 代码修改

parent c4ca48a1
......@@ -565,7 +565,6 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfoServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TPreDispatchInfoMap
public List<ErrorMessage> batchSavePreDisPatchAdd(List<TPreDispatchInfo> listInfo, YifuUser user, String socialHouse, String fundHouse, String departId) {
List<ErrorMessage> errorList = new ArrayList<>();
R<TSettleDomainSelectVo> domainR = archivesDaprUtil.getSettleDomainSelectVoById(departId);
TSettleDomainSelectVo selectVo = domainR.getData();
// 获取区域数据MAP
HashMap<String, SysArea> areaHashMap = new HashMap<>(CommonConstants.SIXTEEN_INT);
HashMap<String, SysArea> areaIdMap = new HashMap<>(CommonConstants.SIXTEEN_INT);
......@@ -575,6 +574,7 @@ public class TPreDispatchInfoServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TPreDispatchInfoMap
if (dataCheckDepart(errorList, domainR)) {
return errorList;
TSettleDomainSelectVo selectVo = domainR.getData();
// 获取基数配置信息
HashMap<String, SysBaseSetInfo> baseSocialSetMap = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<String, SysBaseSetInfo> baseFundSetMap = new HashMap<>();
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