<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="com.yifu.cloud.plus.v1.yifu.archives.mapper.TRiskMonitorMapper"> <resultMap id="tRiskMonitorMap" type="com.yifu.cloud.plus.v1.yifu.archives.entity.TRiskMonitor"> <id property="id" column="ID"/> <result property="deptId" column="DEPT_ID"/> <result property="departNo" column="DEPART_NO"/> <result property="departName" column="DEPART_NAME"/> <result property="stopFlag" column="STOP_FLAG"/> <result property="businessPrimaryType" column="BUSINESS_PRIMARY_TYPE"/> <result property="businessSecondType" column="BUSINESS_SECOND_TYPE"/> <result property="businessThirdType" column="BUSINESS_THIRD_TYPE"/> <result property="customerName" column="CUSTOMER_NAME"/> <result property="customerNo" column="CUSTOMER_NO"/> <result property="secondIndicatorBelong" column="SECOND_INDICATOR_BELONG"/> <result property="lineType" column="LINE_TYPE"/> <result property="buBelong" column="BU_BELONG"/> <result property="isRisk" column="IS_RISK"/> <result property="riskType" column="RISK_TYPE"/> <result property="projectNum" column="PROJECT_NUM"/> <result property="unproContractNum" column="UNPRO_CONTRACT_NUM"/> <result property="proContractNum" column="PRO_CONTRACT_NUM"/> <result property="unproInsuranceNum" column="UNPRO_INSURANCE_NUM"/> <result property="proInsuranceNum" column="PRO_INSURANCE_NUM"/> <result property="unproSocialNum" column="UNPRO_SOCIAL_NUM"/> <result property="proSocialNum" column="PRO_SOCIAL_NUM"/> <result property="unproFundNum" column="UNPRO_FUND_NUM"/> <result property="proFundNum" column="PRO_FUND_NUM"/> <result property="unproSalaryNum" column="UNPRO_SALARY_NUM"/> <result property="proSalaryNum" column="PRO_SALARY_NUM"/> <result property="lastSalaryTime" column="LAST_SALARY_TIME"/> <result property="deleteFlag" column="DELETE_FLAG"/> <result property="createBy" column="CREATE_BY"/> <result property="createName" column="CREATE_NAME"/> <result property="createTime" column="CREATE_TIME"/> <result property="updateBy" column="UPDATE_BY"/> <result property="updateTime" column="UPDATE_TIME"/> </resultMap> <resultMap id="tRiskMonitorExportMap" type="com.yifu.cloud.plus.v1.yifu.archives.vo.TRiskMonitorVo"> <result property="departNo" column="DEPART_NO"/> <result property="departName" column="DEPART_NAME"/> <result property="stopFlag" column="STOP_FLAG"/> <result property="businessPrimaryType" column="BUSINESS_PRIMARY_TYPE"/> <result property="businessSecondType" column="BUSINESS_SECOND_TYPE"/> <result property="businessThirdType" column="BUSINESS_THIRD_TYPE"/> <result property="customerName" column="CUSTOMER_NAME"/> <result property="customerNo" column="CUSTOMER_NO"/> <result property="secondIndicatorBelong" column="SECOND_INDICATOR_BELONG"/> <result property="lineType" column="LINE_TYPE"/> <result property="buBelong" column="BU_BELONG"/> <result property="isRisk" column="IS_RISK"/> <result property="riskType" column="RISK_TYPE"/> <result property="projectNum" column="PROJECT_NUM"/> <result property="unproContractNum" column="UNPRO_CONTRACT_NUM"/> <result property="proContractNum" column="PRO_CONTRACT_NUM"/> <result property="unproInsuranceNum" column="UNPRO_INSURANCE_NUM"/> <result property="proInsuranceNum" column="PRO_INSURANCE_NUM"/> <result property="unproSocialNum" column="UNPRO_SOCIAL_NUM"/> <result property="proSocialNum" column="PRO_SOCIAL_NUM"/> <result property="unproFundNum" column="UNPRO_FUND_NUM"/> <result property="proFundNum" column="PRO_FUND_NUM"/> <result property="unproSalaryNum" column="UNPRO_SALARY_NUM"/> <result property="proSalaryNum" column="PRO_SALARY_NUM"/> <result property="lastSalaryTime" column="LAST_SALARY_TIME"/> </resultMap> <sql id="Base_Column_List"> a.ID, a.DEPT_ID, a.DEPART_NO, a.DEPART_NAME, a.STOP_FLAG, a.BUSINESS_PRIMARY_TYPE, a.BUSINESS_SECOND_TYPE, a.BUSINESS_THIRD_TYPE, a.CUSTOMER_NAME, a.CUSTOMER_NO, a.SECOND_INDICATOR_BELONG, a.LINE_TYPE, a.BU_BELONG, a.IS_RISK, substring(a.risk_type,1,CHAR_LENGTH(a.risk_type) -2) risk_type, a.PROJECT_NUM, a.UNPRO_CONTRACT_NUM, a.PRO_CONTRACT_NUM, a.UNPRO_INSURANCE_NUM, a.PRO_INSURANCE_NUM, a.UNPRO_SOCIAL_NUM, a.PRO_SOCIAL_NUM, a.UNPRO_FUND_NUM, a.PRO_FUND_NUM, a.UNPRO_SALARY_NUM, a.PRO_SALARY_NUM, a.LAST_SALARY_TIME, a.DELETE_FLAG, a.CREATE_BY, a.CREATE_NAME, a.CREATE_TIME, a.UPDATE_BY, a.UPDATE_TIME </sql> <select id="getTRiskMonitorPage" resultMap="tRiskMonitorMap"> SELECT <include refid="Base_Column_List"/> FROM t_risk_monitor a <where> a.DELETE_FLAG = '0' <include refid="tRiskMonitor_where"/> </where> </select> <!--tRiskMonitor简单分页查询--> <sql id="tRiskMonitor_where"> <if test="tRiskMonitor != null"> <if test="tRiskMonitor.id != null and tRiskMonitor.id.trim() != ''"> AND a.ID = #{tRiskMonitor.id} </if> <if test="tRiskMonitor.departNo != null and tRiskMonitor.departNo.trim() != ''"> AND a.DEPART_NO = #{tRiskMonitor.departNo} </if> <if test="tRiskMonitor.departName != null and tRiskMonitor.departName.trim() != ''"> AND a.DEPART_NAME like concat('%',#{tRiskMonitor.departName},'%') </if> <if test="tRiskMonitor.stopFlag != null and tRiskMonitor.stopFlag.trim() != ''"> AND a.STOP_FLAG = #{tRiskMonitor.stopFlag} </if> <if test="tRiskMonitor.businessPrimaryType != null and tRiskMonitor.businessPrimaryType.trim() != ''"> AND a.BUSINESS_PRIMARY_TYPE = #{tRiskMonitor.businessPrimaryType} </if> <if test="tRiskMonitor.businessSecondType != null and tRiskMonitor.businessSecondType.trim() != ''"> AND a.BUSINESS_SECOND_TYPE = #{tRiskMonitor.businessSecondType} </if> <if test="tRiskMonitor.businessThirdType != null and tRiskMonitor.businessThirdType.trim() != ''"> AND a.BUSINESS_THIRD_TYPE = #{tRiskMonitor.businessThirdType} </if> <if test="tRiskMonitor.customerName != null and tRiskMonitor.customerName.trim() != ''"> AND a.CUSTOMER_NAME = #{tRiskMonitor.customerName} </if> <if test="tRiskMonitor.customerNo != null and tRiskMonitor.customerNo.trim() != ''"> AND a.CUSTOMER_NO = #{tRiskMonitor.customerNo} </if> <if test="tRiskMonitor.secondIndicatorBelong != null and tRiskMonitor.secondIndicatorBelong.trim() != ''"> AND a.SECOND_INDICATOR_BELONG like concat('%',#{tRiskMonitor.secondIndicatorBelong},'%') </if> <if test="tRiskMonitor.lineType != null and tRiskMonitor.lineType.trim() != ''"> AND a.LINE_TYPE = #{tRiskMonitor.lineType} </if> <if test="tRiskMonitor.buBelong != null and tRiskMonitor.buBelong.trim() != ''"> AND a.BU_BELONG = #{tRiskMonitor.buBelong} </if> <if test="tRiskMonitor.isRisk != null and tRiskMonitor.isRisk.trim() != ''"> AND a.IS_RISK = #{tRiskMonitor.isRisk} </if> <if test="tRiskMonitor.riskType != null and tRiskMonitor.riskType.trim() != ''"> AND a.RISK_TYPE regexp #{tRiskMonitor.riskType} </if> <if test="tRiskMonitor.authSql != null and tRiskMonitor.authSql.trim() != ''"> ${tRiskMonitor.authSql} </if> </if> </sql> <select id="getTRiskMonitorExportCount" resultType="java.lang.Long"> SELECT count(1) FROM t_risk_monitor a <where> a.DELETE_FLAG = '0' <include refid="tRiskMonitor_where"/> </where> </select> <!--tRiskMonitor导出查询--> <select id="getRiskMonitorExportList" resultMap="tRiskMonitorExportMap"> SELECT a.DEPART_NAME, a.DEPART_NO, CASE WHEN a.STOP_FLAG=0 THEN "正常" WHEN a.STOP_FLAG =1 THEN "停止合作" WHEN a.STOP_FLAG =2 THEN "已冻结" ELSE a.STOP_FLAG END as STOP_FLAG, a.SECOND_INDICATOR_BELONG, CASE WHEN a.IS_RISK=0 THEN "是" WHEN a.IS_RISK =1 THEN "否" ELSE a.IS_RISK END as IS_RISK, substring(a.risk_type,1,CHAR_LENGTH(a.risk_type) -2) risk_type, a.PROJECT_NUM, a.UNPRO_CONTRACT_NUM, a.PRO_CONTRACT_NUM, a.UNPRO_INSURANCE_NUM, a.PRO_INSURANCE_NUM, a.UNPRO_SOCIAL_NUM, a.PRO_SOCIAL_NUM, a.UNPRO_FUND_NUM, a.PRO_FUND_NUM, a.UNPRO_SALARY_NUM, a.PRO_SALARY_NUM, a.LAST_SALARY_TIME, a.CUSTOMER_NAME, a.CUSTOMER_NO, a.BUSINESS_PRIMARY_TYPE, a.BUSINESS_SECOND_TYPE, a.BUSINESS_THIRD_TYPE, a.LINE_TYPE, a.BU_BELONG FROM t_risk_monitor a <where> a.DELETE_FLAG = '0' <include refid="tRiskMonitor_where"/> </where> <if test="tRiskMonitor.limitStart != null"> limit #{tRiskMonitor.limitStart},#{tRiskMonitor.limitEnd} </if> </select> <!--tRiskMonitor批量生成--> <select id="selectRiskMonitorList" resultMap="tRiskMonitorMap"> SELECT A.id AS DEPT_ID, a.STOP_FLAG, a.DEPART_NAME, a.DEPART_NO, ifnull( a.SECOND_INDICATOR_BELONG, '' ) SECOND_INDICATOR_BELONG, a.CUSTOMER_NAME, a.CUSTOMER_NO, ifnull( a.BUSINESS_SECOND_TYPE, '' ) BUSINESS_SECOND_TYPE, ifnull( a.BUSINESS_PRIMARY_TYPE, '' ) BUSINESS_PRIMARY_TYPE, ifnull( a.BUSINESS_THIRD_TYPE, '' ) BUSINESS_THIRD_TYPE, ifnull( a.BU_BELONG, '' ) BU_BELONG, ifnull( a.LINE_TYPE, '' ) LINE_TYPE, CONCAT( IF ( ifnull( pro.countPer, 0 ) > ifnull( q.onContractNum, 0 ), '合同漏签 / ', '' ), IF ( ifnull( ht.countContract, 0 ) - ifnull( q.onContractNum, 0 ) > 0, '合同漏减 / ', '' ), IF ( ifnull( pro.countPer, 0 ) > ifnull( r.onInsuranceNum, 0 ), '商险漏买 / ', '' ), IF ( ifnull( sx.countInsurance, 0 ) - ifnull( r.onInsuranceNum, 0 ) > 0, '商险多买 / ', '' ), IF ( ifnull( pro.countPer, 0 ) > ifnull( w.onSocialNum, 0 ), '社保漏买 / ', '' ), IF ( ifnull( so.countSocial, 0 ) - ifnull( w.onSocialNum, 0 ) > 0, '社保多买 / ', '' ), IF ( ifnull( pro.countPer, 0 ) > ifnull( e.onFundNum, 0 ), '公积金漏买 / ', '' ), IF ( ifnull( fu.countFund, 0 ) - ifnull( e.onFundNum, 0 ) > 0, '公积金多买 / ', '' ), IF ( ifnull( pro.countPer, 0 ) > ifnull( t.onSalaryNum, 0 ), '工资漏发 / ', '' ), IF ( ifnull( sa.countSalary, 0 ) - ifnull( t.onSalaryNum, 0 ) > 0, '工资多发 / ', '' ) ) RISK_TYPE, IF ( length( CONCAT( IF ( ifnull( pro.countPer, 0 ) > ifnull( q.onContractNum, 0 ), '合同漏签 / ', '' ), IF ( ifnull( ht.countContract, 0 ) - ifnull( q.onContractNum, 0 ) > 0, '合同漏减 / ', '' ), IF ( ifnull( pro.countPer, 0 ) > ifnull( r.onInsuranceNum, 0 ), '商险漏买 / ', '' ), IF ( ifnull( sx.countInsurance, 0 ) - ifnull( r.onInsuranceNum, 0 ) > 0, '商险多买 / ', '' ), IF ( ifnull( pro.countPer, 0 ) > ifnull( w.onSocialNum, 0 ), '社保漏买 / ', '' ), IF ( ifnull( so.countSocial, 0 ) - ifnull( w.onSocialNum, 0 ) > 0, '社保多买 / ', '' ), IF ( ifnull( pro.countPer, 0 ) > ifnull( e.onFundNum, 0 ), '公积金漏买 / ', '' ), IF ( ifnull( fu.countFund, 0 ) - ifnull( e.onFundNum, 0 ) > 0, '公积金多买 / ', '' ), IF ( ifnull( pro.countPer, 0 ) > ifnull( t.onSalaryNum, 0 ), '工资漏发 / ', '' ), IF ( ifnull( sa.countSalary, 0 ) - ifnull( t.onSalaryNum, 0 ) > 0, '工资多发 / ', '' ) )) > 0, '0', '1' ) IS_RISK, ifnull( q.onContractNum, 0 ) PRO_CONTRACT_NUM, ifnull( w.onSocialNum, 0 ) PRO_SOCIAL_NUM, ifnull( e.onFundNum, 0 ) PRO_FUND_NUM, ifnull( r.onInsuranceNum, 0 ) PRO_INSURANCE_NUM, ifnull( t.onSalaryNum, 0 ) PRO_SALARY_NUM, ifnull( ht.countContract, 0 ) - ifnull( q.onContractNum, 0 ) UNPRO_CONTRACT_NUM, ifnull( so.countSocial, 0 ) - ifnull( w.onSocialNum, 0 ) UNPRO_SOCIAL_NUM, ifnull( fu.countFund, 0 ) - ifnull( e.onFundNum, 0 ) UNPRO_FUND_NUM, ifnull( sx.countInsurance, 0 ) - ifnull( r.onInsuranceNum, 0 ) UNPRO_INSURANCE_NUM, ifnull( sa.countSalary, 0 ) - ifnull( t.onSalaryNum, 0 ) UNPRO_SALARY_NUM, ifnull( DATE_FORMAT( sa.CREATE_TIME, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s' ), '' ) LAST_SALARY_TIME, ifnull( pro.countPer, 0 ) PROJECT_NUM, '1' create_by, '超管' create_name, '1' UPDATE_BY FROM t_settle_domain a LEFT JOIN ( SELECT a.DEPT_NO, count( DISTINCT a.EMP_IDCARD ) AS countContract FROM t_employee_contract_info a WHERE a.IN_USE = '0' AND a.DELETE_FLAG = 0 AND (CONTRACT_END >= CURDATE() or (ifnull(CONTRACT_END,-1) = -1 and a.CONTRACT_TYPE = '2')) AND length( ifnull(a.DEPT_NO, '')) > 0 GROUP BY a.DEPT_NO ) ht ON a.DEPART_NO = ht.DEPT_NO LEFT JOIN ( SELECT a.SETTLE_DOMAIN_CODE, count( DISTINCT a.EMP_IDCARD ) AS countSocial FROM mvp_social.t_social_fund_info a WHERE a.SOCIAL_STATUS IN ( '3', '4', '9', '12' ) AND length( ifnull( a.SETTLE_DOMAIN_CODE, '')) > 0 GROUP BY a.SETTLE_DOMAIN_CODE ) so ON so.SETTLE_DOMAIN_CODE = a.DEPART_NO LEFT JOIN ( SELECT a.SETTLE_DOMAIN_CODE, count( DISTINCT a.EMP_IDCARD ) AS countFund FROM mvp_social.t_social_fund_info a WHERE a.fund_STATUS IN ( '3', '8' ) AND length( ifnull( a.SETTLE_DOMAIN_CODE, '')) > 0 GROUP BY a.SETTLE_DOMAIN_CODE ) fu ON fu.SETTLE_DOMAIN_CODE = a.DEPART_NO LEFT JOIN ( SELECT a.DEPT_NO, count( DISTINCT a.EMP_IDCARD_NO ) AS countInsurance FROM mvp_insurances.t_insurance_detail a WHERE a.IS_USE = 0 AND IS_EFFECT = 0 AND a.IS_OVERDUE = 0 AND a.DELETE_FLAG = 0 AND length( ifnull( a.DEPT_NO, '')) > 0 GROUP BY a.DEPT_NO ) sx ON a.DEPART_NO = sx.DEPT_NO LEFT JOIN ( SELECT count( DISTINCT acc.EMP_IDCARD ) AS countSalary, lll.CREATE_TIME, lll.DEPT_NO FROM mvp_salary.t_salary_standard lll LEFT JOIN mvp_salary.t_salary_account acc ON lll.id = acc.SALARY_FORM_ID AND acc.DELETE_FLAG = 0 WHERE lll.id IN ( SELECT b.id FROM ( SELECT a.DEPT_NO, a.id, max( a.CREATE_TIME ) CREATE_TIME FROM mvp_salary.t_salary_standard a WHERE a.DELETE_FLAG = 0 AND length( ifnull( a.DEPT_NO, '')) > 0 GROUP BY a.DEPT_NO ) hh INNER JOIN mvp_salary.t_salary_standard b ON hh.DEPT_NO = b.DEPT_NO AND hh.CREATE_TIME = b.CREATE_TIME ) GROUP BY lll.id ) sa ON a.DEPART_NO = sa.DEPT_NO LEFT JOIN ( SELECT a.DEPT_NO, a.EMP_IDCARD, count( DISTINCT a.EMP_IDCARD ) countPer FROM t_employee_project a WHERE a.PROJECT_STATUS = 0 AND a.DELETE_FLAG = '0' GROUP BY a.DEPT_NO ) pro ON a.DEPART_NO = pro.DEPT_NO LEFT JOIN ( SELECT a.DEPT_NO, count( DISTINCT a.EMP_IDCARD ) onContractNum FROM t_employee_contract_info a INNER JOIN t_employee_project jj ON a.EMP_IDCARD = jj.EMP_IDCARD AND a.DEPT_NO = jj.DEPT_NO AND jj.PROJECT_STATUS = 0 AND jj.DELETE_FLAG = '0' WHERE a.IN_USE = '0' AND (CONTRACT_END >= CURDATE() or (ifnull(CONTRACT_END,-1) = -1 and a.CONTRACT_TYPE = '2')) AND a.DELETE_FLAG = 0 AND length( ifnull( a.DEPT_NO, '')) > 0 GROUP BY a.DEPT_NO ) q ON a.DEPART_NO = q.DEPT_NO LEFT JOIN ( SELECT a.SETTLE_DOMAIN_CODE, count( DISTINCT a.EMP_IDCARD ) onSocialNum FROM mvp_social.t_social_fund_info a INNER JOIN t_employee_project jj ON a.EMP_IDCARD = jj.EMP_IDCARD AND a.SETTLE_DOMAIN_CODE = jj.DEPT_NO AND jj.PROJECT_STATUS = 0 AND jj.DELETE_FLAG = '0' WHERE a.SOCIAL_STATUS IN ( '3', '4', '9', '12' ) AND length( ifnull( a.SETTLE_DOMAIN_CODE, '')) > 0 GROUP BY a.SETTLE_DOMAIN_CODE ) w ON a.DEPART_NO = w.SETTLE_DOMAIN_CODE LEFT JOIN ( SELECT a.SETTLE_DOMAIN_CODE, count( DISTINCT a.EMP_IDCARD ) onFundNum FROM mvp_social.t_social_fund_info a INNER JOIN t_employee_project jj ON a.EMP_IDCARD = jj.EMP_IDCARD AND a.SETTLE_DOMAIN_CODE = jj.DEPT_NO AND jj.PROJECT_STATUS = 0 AND jj.DELETE_FLAG = '0' WHERE a.fund_STATUS IN ( '3', '8' ) AND length( ifnull( a.SETTLE_DOMAIN_CODE, '')) > 0 GROUP BY a.SETTLE_DOMAIN_CODE ) e ON a.DEPART_NO = e.SETTLE_DOMAIN_CODE LEFT JOIN ( SELECT a.DEPT_NO, count( DISTINCT a.EMP_IDCARD_NO ) onInsuranceNum FROM mvp_insurances.t_insurance_detail a INNER JOIN t_employee_project jj ON a.EMP_IDCARD_NO = jj.EMP_IDCARD AND a.DEPT_NO = jj.DEPT_NO AND jj.PROJECT_STATUS = 0 AND jj.DELETE_FLAG = '0' WHERE a.IS_USE = 0 AND IS_EFFECT = 0 AND a.IS_OVERDUE = 0 AND a.DELETE_FLAG = 0 AND length( ifnull( a.DEPT_NO, '')) > 0 GROUP BY a.DEPT_NO ) r ON a.DEPART_NO = r.DEPT_NO LEFT JOIN ( SELECT count( DISTINCT acc.EMP_IDCARD ) AS onSalaryNum, lll.DEPT_NO FROM mvp_salary.t_salary_standard lll LEFT JOIN mvp_salary.t_salary_account acc ON lll.id = acc.SALARY_FORM_ID AND acc.DELETE_FLAG = 0 INNER JOIN t_employee_project jj ON acc.EMP_IDCARD = jj.EMP_IDCARD AND lll.DEPT_NO = jj.DEPT_NO AND jj.PROJECT_STATUS = 0 AND jj.DELETE_FLAG = '0' WHERE lll.id IN ( SELECT b.id FROM ( SELECT a.DEPT_NO, a.id, max( a.CREATE_TIME ) CREATE_TIME FROM mvp_salary.t_salary_standard a WHERE a.DELETE_FLAG = 0 AND length( ifnull( a.DEPT_NO, '')) > 0 GROUP BY a.DEPT_NO ) hh INNER JOIN mvp_salary.t_salary_standard b ON hh.DEPT_NO = b.DEPT_NO AND hh.CREATE_TIME = b.CREATE_TIME ) GROUP BY lll.DEPT_NO, lll.id ) t ON a.DEPART_NO = t.DEPT_NO WHERE a.DELETE_FLAG = '0' GROUP BY a.DEPART_NO </select> <select id="getTRiskMonitorPer" resultType="com.yifu.cloud.plus.v1.yifu.archives.vo.RiskMonitorPerVo"> SELECT count(1) as deptNum, sum(if(IS_RISK = '0',1,0)) as riskDeptNum, concat(round(sum(if(IS_RISK = '0',1,0)) *100/count(1),2),'%') riskDeptPer, sum(if(PROJECT_NUM > PRO_INSURANCE_NUM,1,0)) as riskInsuraceNum, concat(round(sum(if(PROJECT_NUM > PRO_INSURANCE_NUM,1,0))*100/count(1),2),'%') riskInsuracePer FROM t_risk_monitor a where a.DELETE_FLAG = '0' and a.STOP_FLAG = '0' <if test="tRiskMonitor.authSql != null and tRiskMonitor.authSql.trim() != ''"> ${tRiskMonitor.authSql} </if> </select> <!--删除所有监控数据--> <update id="deleteAllRiskMonitorInfo"> TRUNCATE t_risk_monitor </update> </mapper>