Commit 01e068ba authored by hongguangwu's avatar hongguangwu


parent b356c823
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.LocalDate;
* 员工学历信息表
......@@ -36,114 +36,114 @@ import java.time.LocalDateTime;
@Schema(description = "员工学历信息表")
public class TEmpEducation extends BaseEntity {
* 主键
@TableId(type = IdType.ASSIGN_ID)
@Schema(description ="主键")
private String id;
* 员工ID
@Schema(description ="员工ID")
private String empId;
* 员工姓名
@Schema(description ="员工姓名")
private String empName;
* 员工编码
@Schema(description ="员工编码")
private String empCode;
* 身份证号
@Schema(description ="身份证号")
private String empIdcard;
* 入学时间
@Schema(description ="入学时间")
private LocalDateTime entryDate;
* 学历名称
@Schema(description ="学历名称")
private String educationName;
* 结业日期
@Schema(description ="结业日期")
private LocalDateTime gradutionDate;
* 学校名称
@Schema(description ="学校名称")
private String school;
* 学制类型
@Schema(description ="学制类型")
private String educationSystem;
* 最高学历标识0是/1否
@Schema(description ="最高学历标识0是/1否")
private String highIdentification;
* 学历类型:全日制、自考、函授等
@Schema(description ="学历类型:全日制、自考、函授等")
private String type;
* 院系名称
@Schema(description ="院系名称")
private String collageSystem;
* 是否删除 0未删除/1删除
* 主键
@TableId(type = IdType.ASSIGN_ID)
@Schema(description = "主键")
private String id;
* 员工ID
@Schema(description = "员工ID")
private String empId;
* 员工姓名
@Schema(description = "员工姓名")
private String empName;
* 员工编码
@Schema(description = "员工编码")
private String empCode;
* 身份证号
@Schema(description = "身份证号")
private String empIdcard;
* 入学时间
@Schema(description = "入学时间")
private LocalDate entryDate;
* 学历名称
@Schema(description = "学历名称")
private String educationName;
* 结业日期
@Schema(description = "结业日期")
private LocalDate gradutionDate;
* 学校名称
@Schema(description = "学校名称")
private String school;
* 学制类型
@Schema(description = "学制类型")
private String educationSystem;
* 最高学历标识0是/1否
@Schema(description = "最高学历标识0是/1否")
private String highIdentification;
* 学历类型:全日制、自考、函授等
@Schema(description = "学历类型:全日制、自考、函授等")
private String type;
* 院系名称
@Schema(description = "院系名称")
private String collageSystem;
* 是否删除 0未删除/1删除
@Schema(description ="是否删除 0未删除/1删除")
private String deleteFlag;
@Schema(description = "是否删除 0未删除/1删除")
private String deleteFlag;
* 派单标识 1 代表派单生成, 派单审核通过后清空标识 专门用于派单作废
@Schema(description ="派单标识 1 代表派单生成, 派单审核通过后清空标识 专门用于派单作废")
private String dispatchFlag;
* 派单标识 1 代表派单生成, 派单审核通过后清空标识 专门用于派单作废
@Schema(description = "派单标识 1 代表派单生成, 派单审核通过后清空标识 专门用于派单作废")
private String dispatchFlag;
* 证书名称
@Schema(description ="证书名称")
@Schema(description = "证书名称")
private String certificationName;
* 备注
@Schema(description ="备注")
@Schema(description = "备注")
private String remark;
* 专业
@Schema(description ="专业")
@Schema(description = "专业")
private String major;
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import lombok.Data;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
......@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ public class EmpEducationExcelVO implements Serializable {
@NotNull(message = "入学时间不可为空")
@ExcelProperty(value ="入学时间")
private LocalDateTime entryDate;
private LocalDate entryDate;
* 结业日期
......@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ public class EmpEducationExcelVO implements Serializable {
@NotNull(message = "毕业时间不可为空")
@ExcelProperty(value ="毕业时间")
private LocalDateTime gradutionDate;
private LocalDate gradutionDate;
* 学历名称
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import;
import lombok.Data;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
......@@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ public class EmpEducationUpdateExcelVo extends EmpEducationExcelVO{
@NotNull(message = "入学时间不可为空")
@ExcelProperty(value ="入学时间")
private LocalDateTime entryDate;
private LocalDate entryDate;
* 结业日期
......@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ public class EmpEducationUpdateExcelVo extends EmpEducationExcelVO{
@NotNull(message = "毕业时间不可为空")
@ExcelProperty(value ="毕业时间")
private LocalDateTime gradutionDate;
private LocalDate gradutionDate;
* 学历名称
* Copyright (c) 2018-2025, lengleng All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the developer nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
* this software without specific prior written permission.
* Author: lengleng (
import lombok.Data;
* 档案更新记录需要的信息
* @author huyc
* @date 2022-06-20 17:54:40
public class EmployeeNewOldVO implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* 变更前的档案
private TEmployeeInfo oldEmployee;
* 变更后的档案
private TEmployeeInfo newEmployee;
......@@ -231,12 +231,12 @@ public class TEmployeeInfoController {
* @Date: 2022/6/21 19:42
* @return:<java.lang.String>
@Operation(summary = "通过ids删除人员档案表", description = "通过ids删除人员档案表")
@Operation(summary = "通过ids批量删除人员档案表", description = "通过ids批量删除人员档案表")
public R<String> batchDeleteEmployee(@RequestParam String ids) {
return tEmployeeInfoService.deleteEmployee(ids);
public R<List<ErrorMessage>> batchDeleteEmployee(@RequestParam String ids) {
return tEmployeeInfoService.batchDeleteEmployee(ids);
......@@ -254,6 +254,37 @@ public class TEmployeeInfoController {
return tEmployeeInfoService.minusEmployee(id);
* @param ids
* @Description: 通过ids批量减档人员档案表
* @Author: hgw
* @Date: 2022/6/21 19:42
* @return:<java.lang.String>
@Operation(summary = "通过ids批量减档人员档案表", description = "通过ids批量减档人员档案表")
public R<List<ErrorMessage>> batchMinusEmployee(@RequestParam String ids) {
return tEmployeeInfoService.batchMinusEmployee(ids);
* @param id 离职档案id
* @param projectIds 需要复项的项目ids
* @Description: 档案复档
* @Author: hgw
* @Date: 2022/6/23 17:40
* @return:<java.lang.String>
@Operation(summary = "档案复档", description = "档案复档 projectIds:项目档案ids")
public R<String> restoreEmployee(@RequestParam String id, String projectIds) {
return tEmployeeInfoService.restoreEmployee(id, projectIds);
* @param excelList
* @param bindingResult
......@@ -93,15 +93,42 @@ public interface TEmployeeInfoService extends IService<TEmployeeInfo> {
R<String> deleteEmployee(String id);
* @param ids
* @Description: 批量删除
* @Author: hgw
* @Date: 2022/6/23 16:45
* @return:<java.lang.String>
R<List<ErrorMessage>> batchDeleteEmployee(String ids);
* @param id
* @Description: 减
* @Description: 减
* @Author: hgw
* @Date: 2022/6/21 19:50
* @return:<java.lang.String>
R<String> minusEmployee(String id);
* @param id
* @Description: 恢复档案
* @Author: hgw
* @Date: 2022/6/23 17:31
* @return:<java.lang.String>
R<String> restoreEmployee(String id, String projectIds);
* @param ids
* @Description: 批量减档
* @Author: hgw
* @Date: 2022/6/23 17:12
* @return:<java.util.List < com.pig4cloud.plugin.excel.vo.ErrorMessage>>
R<List<ErrorMessage>> batchMinusEmployee(String ids);
* @param employeeInfo 档案信息
* @param fileSource 人员档案来源(4人员档案新建、5项目档案新建、1社保/公积金、3商险、2薪酬)
......@@ -274,11 +274,11 @@ public class TEmpEducationServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TEmpEducationMapper, T
TEmpEducation exist = baseMapper.selectOne(Wrappers.<TEmpEducation>query().lambda()
if (Common.isNotNull(exist)){
......@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ public class TEmployeeProjectServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TEmployeeProjectMap
public void saveEmployeeProjectInfo(TEmployeeInfo employeeInfo) {
TEmployeeProject tEmployeeProject = new TEmployeeProject();
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
AND a.EMP_CODE = #{tEmployeeInfo.empCode}
<if test="tEmployeeInfo.empNatrue != null and tEmployeeInfo.empNatrue.trim() != ''">
AND a.EMP_NATRUE = #{tEmployeeInfo.empNatrue}
AND a.EMP_NATRUE in in concat('(',${tEmployeeInfo.empNatrue},')')
<if test="tEmployeeInfo.empName != null and tEmployeeInfo.empName.trim() != ''">
AND a.EMP_NAME = #{tEmployeeInfo.empName}
......@@ -247,16 +247,16 @@
<if test="tEmployeeInfo.contractStatus != null">
AND a.CONTRACT_STATUS = #{tEmployeeInfo.contractStatus}
AND a.CONTRACT_STATUS in concat('(',${tEmployeeInfo.contractStatus},')')
<if test="tEmployeeInfo.insuranceStatus != null">
AND a.INSURANCE_STATUS = #{tEmployeeInfo.insuranceStatus}
AND a.INSURANCE_STATUS in concat('(',${tEmployeeInfo.insuranceStatus},')')
<if test="tEmployeeInfo.socialStatus != null">
AND a.SOCIAL_STATUS = #{tEmployeeInfo.socialStatus}
AND a.SOCIAL_STATUS in concat('(',${tEmployeeInfo.socialStatus},')')
<if test="tEmployeeInfo.fundStatus != null">
AND a.FUND_STATUS = #{tEmployeeInfo.fundStatus}
AND a.FUND_STATUS in concat('(',${tEmployeeInfo.fundStatus},')')
<if test="tEmployeeInfo.salaryStatus != null">
AND a.SALARY_STATUS = #{tEmployeeInfo.salaryStatus}
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