case s.ygs_Handle_Status when '0' then '无' when '1' then '待办理' when '2' then '自动办理中' when '3' then '继续办理' when '4' then '中止办理' when '5' then '人工处理' when '6' then '成功' else '-' end ygsHandleStatus,
case s.ygs_Handle_Status when '0' then '无' when '1' then '待办理' when '2' then '自动办理中' when '3' then '继续办理' when '4' then '中止办理' when '5' then '人工处理' when '6' then '成功' else '-' end ygsHandleStatus,
case s.ysd_Handle_Status when '0' then '无' when '1' then '待办理' when '2' then '自动办理中' when '3' then '继续办理' when '4' then '中止办理' when '5' then '人工处理' when '6' then '成功' else '-' end ysdHandleStatus,
case s.ysd_Handle_Status when '0' then '无' when '1' then '待办理' when '2' then '自动办理中' when '3' then '继续办理' when '4' then '中止办理' when '5' then '人工处理' when '6' then '成功' else '-' end ysdHandleStatus,
and (( a.type = '0' AND (s.HANDLE_STATUS = "0" or s.HANDLE_STATUS = "4") ) or ( a.type ='1' AND (if(ifnull(,0) != '0',h.HANDLE_STATUS,s.HANDLE_STATUS) in ('1','5','6','3','7') or (s.HANDLE_STATUS in ('1','5','6','3','7') and s.REDUCE_CAN = '1')) ))
and (( a.type = '0' AND (s.HANDLE_STATUS = "0" or s.HANDLE_STATUS = "4") ) or ( a.type ='1' AND (if(ifnull(,0) != '0',h.HANDLE_STATUS,s.HANDLE_STATUS) in ('1','5','6','3','7') or (s.HANDLE_STATUS in ('1','5','6','3','7') and s.REDUCE_CAN = '1')) ))
and a.SOCIAL_HANDLE_STATUS in ('0','4')
and a.SOCIAL_HANDLE_STATUS in ('0','4')
and (s.YGS_HANDLE_STATUS in ('0','5') or s.YSD_HANDLE_STATUS in ('0','5') )
and (a.auto_flag='1' or s.YGS_HANDLE_STATUS ='5' or s.YSD_HANDLE_STATUS = '5' )
<!--<if test="tDispatchInfo.status != null and tDispatchInfo.status.trim() != ''">
<!--<if test="tDispatchInfo.status != null and tDispatchInfo.status.trim() != ''">