Commit 1610d5a5 authored by hongguangwu's avatar hongguangwu

MVP1.7.0 优化长度

parent 42c7273e
......@@ -41,18 +41,10 @@ public class PreUploadEmpImportTwoVo implements Serializable {
private String empName;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "身份证号", isNotEmpty = true, maxLength = 20)
private String empIdcard;
//@ExcelAttribute(name = "性别", maxLength = 32)
//private String empSex;
//@ExcelAttribute(name = "身份证期限", isDate = true)
//private String cardType;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "身份证开始日期", isDate = true)
private String validityStart;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "身份证截止日期", isDate = true, pattern = "validityStart")
private String validityEnd;
//@ExcelAttribute(name = "出生日期", isDate = true)
//private String empBirthday;
//@ExcelAttribute(name = "年龄")
//private Integer empAge;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "婚姻状况", isDataId = true, dataType = ExcelAttributeConstants.EMP_MARRIED, maxLength = 32)
private String empMarriStatus;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "民族", isDataId = true, dataType = ExcelAttributeConstants.EMP_NATIONAL, maxLength = 32)
......@@ -42,18 +42,10 @@ public class PreUploadEmpImportVo implements Serializable {
private String empName;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "身份证号", isNotEmpty = true, maxLength = 20)
private String empIdcard;
//@ExcelAttribute(name = "性别", maxLength = 32)
//private String empSex;
//@ExcelAttribute(name = "身份证期限", isDate = true)
//private String cardType;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "身份证开始日期", isNotEmpty = true, isDate = true)
private String validityStart;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "身份证截止日期", isNotEmpty = true, isDate = true, pattern = "validityStart")
private String validityEnd;
//@ExcelAttribute(name = "出生日期", isDate = true)
//private String empBirthday;
//@ExcelAttribute(name = "年龄")
//private Integer empAge;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "婚姻状况", isDataId = true, dataType = ExcelAttributeConstants.EMP_MARRIED, isNotEmpty = true, maxLength = 32)
private String empMarriStatus;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "民族", isDataId = true, dataType = ExcelAttributeConstants.EMP_NATIONAL, isNotEmpty = true, maxLength = 32)
......@@ -119,12 +111,6 @@ public class PreUploadEmpImportVo implements Serializable {
private String entryDate;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "教育结束时间", isDate = true, pattern = "entryDate")
private String gradutionDate;
// 非表头:是否大专及以上(0否1是)
//@ExcelAttribute(name = "是否大专及以上")
//private String isCollege;
// 非表头:最高学历标识0是/1否
//@ExcelAttribute(name = "最高学历", maxLength = 1)
//private String highIdentification;
// 是否为首份工作 工作单位 工作岗位 开始工作日期 结束工作日期
// 预入职-员工工作履历信息表
......@@ -171,19 +157,19 @@ public class PreUploadEmpImportVo implements Serializable {
// 是否职业病 0是/1否
@ExcelAttribute(name = "是否有职业病", isDataId = true, readConverterExp = "0=是,1=否", isNotEmpty = true, maxLength = 1)
private String occupationalDiseaseFlag;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "职业病名称")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "职业病名称", maxLength = 50)
private String occupationalDisease;
// 是否传染病病 0是/1否
@ExcelAttribute(name = "是否有传染性疾病", isDataId = true, readConverterExp = "0=是,1=否", isNotEmpty = true, maxLength = 1)
private String infectiousDiseaseFlag;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "传染病名称")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "传染病名称", maxLength = 50)
private String infectiousName;
// 是否持有残疾人证明 0是/1否
@ExcelAttribute(name = "是否被劳动能力鉴定委员会鉴定为具有伤残等级", isDataId = true, readConverterExp = "0=是,1=否", isNotEmpty = true, maxLength = 1)
private String disabilityFlag;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "伤残病名称")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "伤残病名称", maxLength = 50)
private String disabilityName;
@ExcelAttribute(name = "伤残等级",isDataId = true, dataType = ExcelAttributeConstants.DISABILITY_GRADE)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "伤残等级",isDataId = true, dataType = ExcelAttributeConstants.DISABILITY_GRADE, maxLength = 32)
private String disabilityLevel;
// 是否从事过井下、高空、高温、特别繁重体力劳动以及有毒有害工种 0是/1否
@ExcelAttribute(name = "是否从事过井下、高空、高温、特别繁重体力劳动以及有毒有害工种", isDataId = true, readConverterExp = "0=是,1=否", isNotEmpty = true, maxLength = 1)
......@@ -294,9 +280,6 @@ public class PreUploadEmpImportVo implements Serializable {
private Date validityEndValue;
// 字典值结束
// 附属信息
// List<PreUploadEmpImportVo> otherList = new ArrayList<>()
// 是否主信息,未false,则仅更新附属信息
@TableField(exist = false)
private Boolean isMain;
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