Commit 230c1140 authored by huyuchen's avatar huyuchen

huyc 项目档案代码提交

parent 6830d84b
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ public class EmployeeProjectUpdateVO extends RowIndex implements Serializable {
* 员工类型(字典值,0外包1派遣2代理)
@ExcelProperty(value ="员工类型")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "员工类型",maxLength = 2,isDataId = true,dataType = ExcelAttributeConstants.EMP_NATRUE)
private String empNatrue;
......@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ public class EmployeeProjectUpdateVO extends RowIndex implements Serializable {
* 员工姓名
@ExcelAttribute(name = "员工姓名",maxLength = 20)
@ExcelProperty(value ="员工姓名")
private String empName;
......@@ -64,18 +66,21 @@ public class EmployeeProjectUpdateVO extends RowIndex implements Serializable {
* 开户行
@ExcelAttribute(name = "开户行")
@ExcelProperty(value ="开户行")
private String bankName;
* 支行
@ExcelAttribute(name = "支行")
@ExcelProperty(value ="支行")
private String bankSubName;
* 银行卡号
@ExcelAttribute(name ="银行卡号")
@ExcelProperty(value ="银行卡号")
private String bankNo;
......@@ -90,24 +95,28 @@ public class EmployeeProjectUpdateVO extends RowIndex implements Serializable {
* 合同类型(字典值)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "合同类型",maxLength = 10,isDataId = true,dataType = ExcelAttributeConstants.PERSONNEL_TYPE)
@ExcelProperty(value ="合同类型")
private String contractType;
* 工时制
@ExcelAttribute(name = "工时制",maxLength = 10,isDataId = true,dataType = ExcelAttributeConstants.WORKING_HOURS)
@ExcelProperty(value ="工时制")
private String workingHours;
* 就职岗位
@ExcelAttribute(name = "就职岗位",maxLength = 20)
@ExcelProperty(value ="就职岗位")
private String post;
* 入职日期
@ExcelAttribute(name = "入职日期",maxLength = 4)
@ExcelProperty(value ="入职日期")
private Date enjoinDate;
......@@ -116,6 +125,7 @@ public class EmployeeProjectUpdateVO extends RowIndex implements Serializable {
* 试用期(单位月)
@ExcelAttribute(name = "试用期",maxLength = 4)
@ExcelProperty(value ="试用期")
private String tryPeriod;
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