#dapr.io/app-ssl: "false" #告诉Dapr通过不安全的SSL连接调用应用程序。 同时适用于HTTP和gRPC。 Traffic between your app and the Dapr sidecar is encrypted with a certificate issued by a non-trusted certificate authority, which is considered insecure. 默认值为 false.
dapr.io/http-read-buffer-size:"16"#Dapr has a default limit of 4KB for the http header read buffer size. When sending http headers that are bigger than the default 4KB, you can increase this value. Otherwise, you may encounter a Too big request header
#dapr.io/app-ssl: "false" #告诉Dapr通过不安全的SSL连接调用应用程序。 同时适用于HTTP和gRPC。 Traffic between your app and the Dapr sidecar is encrypted with a certificate issued by a non-trusted certificate authority, which is considered insecure. 默认值为 false.