Commit 2f0e2592 authored by huyuchen's avatar huyuchen

huyc 项目档案代码提交

parent 59ebd1d6
......@@ -157,117 +157,6 @@
<update id="updateExcelEmpProject" parameterType="java.util.List">
update t_employee_project
<trim prefix="set" suffixOverrides=",">
<trim prefix="EMP_NATRUE =case" suffix="end,">
<foreach collection="list" item="i" index="index">
<if test="i.empNatrue!=null">
when ID=#{} then #{i.empNatrue}
<trim prefix="EMP_NAME =case" suffix="end,">
<foreach collection="list" item="i" index="index">
<if test="i.empName!=null">
when ID=#{} then #{i.empName}
<trim prefix="EMP_IDCARD =case" suffix="end,">
<foreach collection="list" item="i" index="index">
<if test="i.empIdcard!=null">
when ID=#{} then #{i.empIdcard}
<trim prefix="PROJECT_STATUS =case" suffix="end,">
<foreach collection="list" item="i" index="index">
when ID=#{} then 0
<trim prefix="UPDATE_TIME =case" suffix="end,">
<foreach collection="list" item="i" index="index">
when ID=#{} then now()
<trim prefix="UPDATE_BY =case" suffix="end,">
<foreach collection="list" item="i" index="index">
<if test="i.updateBy!=null">
when ID=#{} then #{i.updateBy}
<trim prefix="DEPT_NO =case" suffix="end,">
<foreach collection="list" item="i" index="index">
<if test="i.deptNo!=null">
when ID=#{} then #{i.deptNo}
<trim prefix="CONTRACT_TYPE =case" suffix="end,">
<foreach collection="list" item="i" index="index">
<if test="i.contractType!=null">
when ID=#{} then #{i.contractType}
<trim prefix="WORKING_HOURS =case" suffix="end,">
<foreach collection="list" item="i" index="index">
<if test="i.workingHours!=null">
when ID=#{} then #{i.workingHours}
<trim prefix="POST =case" suffix="end,">
<foreach collection="list" item="i" index="index">
<if test="!=null">
when ID=#{} then #{}
<trim prefix="TRY_PERIOD =case" suffix="end,">
<foreach collection="list" item="i" index="index">
<if test="i.tryPeriod!=null">
when ID=#{} then #{i.tryPeriod}
<trim prefix="ENJOIN_DATE =case" suffix="end,">
<foreach collection="list" item="i" index="index">
<if test="i.enjoinDate!=null">
when ID=#{} then #{i.enjoinDate}
<trim prefix="BANK_NAME =case" suffix="end,">
<foreach collection="list" item="i" index="index">
<if test="i.bankName!=null">
when ID=#{} then #{i.bankName}
<trim prefix="BANK_NO =case" suffix="end,">
<foreach collection="list" item="i" index="index">
<if test="i.bankNo!=null">
when ID=#{} then #{i.bankNo}
<trim prefix="BANK_SUB_NAME =case" suffix="end,">
<foreach collection="list" item="i" index="index">
<if test="i.bankSubName!=null">
when ID=#{} then #{i.bankSubName}
<foreach collection="list" separator="or" item="i" index="index" >
<insert id="insertExcelEmpProject" parameterType="java.util.List">
insert into t_employee_project
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