Commit 5b2ee3b5 authored by fangxinjiang's avatar fangxinjiang


parent ec54df36
......@@ -1948,9 +1948,15 @@
<sql id="where_getFundDisRecord">
AND a.fund_id is not null
AND a.STATUS in ('2','4')
AND a.DISPATCH_ITEM like concat('%','公积金','%')
<if test="tDispatchInfo != null">
<!-- dispatch-status 未提交1待审核2审核通过3审核不通过4办理完成5待SSC审核 -->
<if test='tDispatchInfo.auditStatus != null and tDispatchInfo.auditStatus.trim() == "0" '>
AND a.STATUS in ('2','4')
<if test='tDispatchInfo.auditStatus != null and tDispatchInfo.auditStatus.trim() == "1" '>
AND a.STATUS in ('1','5')
<if test="tDispatchInfo.providentHouseholdName != null and tDispatchInfo.providentHouseholdName.trim() != ''">
AND a.PROVIDENT_HOUSEHOLD_NAME = #{tDispatchInfo.providentHouseholdName}
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