Commit 72304b6c authored by hongguangwu's avatar hongguangwu


parent 67857e3f
......@@ -446,4 +446,12 @@ public class TEmployeeContractInfo extends BaseEntity {
@Schema(description = "导出的表头的Set")
private Set<String> exportFields;
@TableField(exist = false)
@Schema(description = "创建时间起")
private String createTimeStart;
@TableField(exist = false)
@Schema(description = "创建时间止")
private String createTimeEnd;
......@@ -369,6 +369,13 @@
AND a.CONTRACT_SUB_NAME = #{tEmployeeContractInfo.contractSubName}
<if test="tEmployeeContractInfo.createTimeStart != null and tEmployeeContractInfo.createTimeStart.trim() != ''">
AND a.CREATE_TIME >= #{tEmployeeContractInfo.createTimeStart}
<if test="tEmployeeContractInfo.createTimeEnd != null and tEmployeeContractInfo.createTimeEnd.trim() != ''">
AND a.CREATE_TIME <![CDATA[ <= ]]> #{tEmployeeContractInfo.createTimeEnd}
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