Commit 8eeecacb authored by fangxinjiang's avatar fangxinjiang

项目档案业务类型3 模糊查询

parent 9bbe9e32
......@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@
AND a.BUSINESS_SECOND_TYPE = #{tEmployeeProject.businessSecondType}
<if test="tEmployeeProject.businessThirdType != null and tEmployeeProject.businessThirdType.trim() != ''">
AND a.BUSINESS_THIRD_TYPE = #{tEmployeeProject.businessThirdType}
AND a.BUSINESS_THIRD_TYPE like CONCAT('%',#{tEmployeeProject.businessThirdType},'%')
<if test="tEmployeeProject.contractType != null and tEmployeeProject.contractType.trim() != ''">
AND a.CONTRACT_TYPE = #{tEmployeeProject.contractType}
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