Commit 9b849b6c authored by fangxinjiang's avatar fangxinjiang

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'

parents 753a253b 3d20c4ee
......@@ -41,9 +41,12 @@ public interface TEmployeeInfoMapper extends BaseMapper<TEmployeeInfo> {
IPage<TEmployeeInfo> getPage(Page<TEmployeeInfo> page, @Param("tEmployeeInfo") TEmployeeInfo tEmployeeInfo);
long getLeavePageCount(@Param("tEmployeeInfo") TEmployeeInfo tEmployeeInfo);
long getLeavePageCount(@Param("tEmployeeInfo") TEmployeeInfo tEmployeeInfo, @Param("idList")List<String> idList);
List<TEmployeeInfo> getLeavePage(@Param("tEmployeeInfo") TEmployeeInfo tEmployeeInfo, @Param("page")Long page, @Param("size")Long size);
List<String> getProjectEmpId(@Param("tEmployeeInfo") TEmployeeInfo tEmployeeInfo);
List<TEmployeeInfo> getLeavePage(@Param("tEmployeeInfo") TEmployeeInfo tEmployeeInfo,
@Param("page")Long page, @Param("size")Long size);
List<TEmployeeInfo> getList(@Param("tEmployeeInfo") TEmployeeInfo tEmployeeInfo);
......@@ -94,7 +94,13 @@ public class TEmployeeInfoServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<TEmployeeInfoMapper, T
public IPage<TEmployeeInfo> getLeavePage(Page<TEmployeeInfo> page, TEmployeeInfo employeeInfo) {
long leavePageCount = baseMapper.getLeavePageCount(employeeInfo);
List<String> projectList = baseMapper.getProjectEmpId(employeeInfo);
long leavePageCount;
if (projectList.isEmpty()) {
leavePageCount = 0L;
} else {
leavePageCount = baseMapper.getLeavePageCount(employeeInfo, projectList);
if (leavePageCount > 0L) {
page.setPages((long) Math.ceil(leavePageCount / page.getSize()));
......@@ -592,12 +592,24 @@
<select id="getLeavePageCount" resultType="java.lang.Long">
FROM t_employee_info a
LEFT JOIN t_employee_project b
FROM t_employee_info a
where 1=1
and a.DELETE_FLAG = '0'
<include refid="employeeInfo_where"/>
<if test="idList != null and idList.size>0">
AND in
<foreach item="idStr" index="index" collection="idList" open="(" separator="," close=")">
<select id="getProjectEmpId" resultType="java.lang.String">
FROM t_employee_project b
where 1=1
<if test="tEmployeeInfo.unitName != null and tEmployeeInfo.unitName.trim() != ''">
AND b.UNIT_NAME like concat('%',#{tEmployeeInfo.unitName},'%')
......@@ -377,10 +377,10 @@
<if test="tEmployeeProject.socialProvince != null">
AND a.SOCIAL_PROVINCE = #{tEmployeeProject.socialProvince}
<if test="tEmployeeProject.fileCity != null">
<if test="tEmployeeProject.socialCity != null">
AND a.SOCIAL_CITY = #{tEmployeeProject.socialCity}
<if test="tEmployeeProject.fileTown != null">
<if test="tEmployeeProject.socialTown != null">
AND a.SOCIAL_TOWN = #{tEmployeeProject.socialTown}
<if test="tEmployeeProject.empNatureArray != null">
......@@ -528,10 +528,10 @@
<if test="tEmployeeProject.socialProvince != null">
AND a.SOCIAL_PROVINCE = #{tEmployeeProject.socialProvince}
<if test="tEmployeeProject.fileCity != null">
<if test="tEmployeeProject.socialCity != null">
AND a.SOCIAL_CITY = #{tEmployeeProject.socialCity}
<if test="tEmployeeProject.fileTown != null">
<if test="tEmployeeProject.socialTown != null">
AND a.SOCIAL_TOWN = #{tEmployeeProject.socialTown}
<if test="tEmployeeProject.idList != null">
......@@ -313,22 +313,6 @@ public class TPaymentInfo extends BaseEntity {
private BigDecimal providentSum;
* 社保核准表ID
@ExcelAttribute(name = "社保核准表ID" )
@Schema(description ="社保核准表ID")
private String socialSettlementId;
* 公积金核准表ID
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金核准表ID" )
@Schema(description ="公积金核准表ID")
private String fundSettlementId;
* 就职班组
......@@ -337,14 +321,6 @@ public class TPaymentInfo extends BaseEntity {
private String inauguralTeam;
* 电信编号
@ExcelAttribute(name = "电信编号" )
@Schema(description ="电信编号")
private String telecomNumber;
* 排序字段
......@@ -353,22 +329,6 @@ public class TPaymentInfo extends BaseEntity {
private String sortTime;
* 代理结算id
@ExcelAttribute(name = "代理结算id" )
@Schema(description ="代理结算id")
private String agentId;
* 财务账单ID
@ExcelAttribute(name = "财务账单ID" )
@Schema(description ="财务账单ID")
private String financeBillId;
* 推送状态
......@@ -293,22 +293,6 @@ public class TPaymentInfoVo extends RowIndex implements Serializable {
@Schema(description = "公积金总合计")
private BigDecimal providentSum;
* 社保核准表ID
@Length(max = 32, message = "社保核准表ID 不能超过32 个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "社保核准表ID", maxLength = 32)
@Schema(description = "社保核准表ID")
private String socialSettlementId;
* 公积金核准表ID
@Length(max = 32, message = "公积金核准表ID 不能超过32 个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "公积金核准表ID", maxLength = 32)
@Schema(description = "公积金核准表ID")
private String fundSettlementId;
* 就职班组
......@@ -317,14 +301,6 @@ public class TPaymentInfoVo extends RowIndex implements Serializable {
@Schema(description = "就职班组")
private String inauguralTeam;
* 电信编号
@Length(max = 50, message = "电信编号 不能超过50 个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "电信编号", maxLength = 50)
@Schema(description = "电信编号")
private String telecomNumber;
* 排序字段
......@@ -333,22 +309,6 @@ public class TPaymentInfoVo extends RowIndex implements Serializable {
@Schema(description = "排序字段")
private String sortTime;
* 代理结算id
@Length(max = 32, message = "代理结算id 不能超过32 个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "代理结算id", maxLength = 32)
@Schema(description = "代理结算id")
private String agentId;
* 财务账单ID
@Length(max = 32, message = "财务账单ID 不能超过32 个字符")
@ExcelAttribute(name = "财务账单ID", maxLength = 32)
@Schema(description = "财务账单ID")
private String financeBillId;
* 单位补缴利息
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