Commit ed1f758e authored by huyuchen's avatar huyuchen


parent 499f5987
......@@ -396,6 +396,11 @@ public class SysHouseHoldInfoServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<SysHouseHoldInfoMap
public void listExport(HttpServletResponse response, SysHouseHoldInfo sysHouseHoldInfo){
String fileName = "户配置信息批量导出" + DateUtil.getThisTime() + CommonConstants.XLSX;
if (Common.isNotNull(sysHouseHoldInfo.getType())
&& CommonConstants.ONE_STRING.equals(sysHouseHoldInfo.getType())) {
List<TSocialHouseholdExportVo> list = new ArrayList<>();
long count = baseMapper.selectExportCount(sysHouseHoldInfo);
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